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Job Opening in Alaska


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I used to work with a guy that lead a survey crew in Alaska. He used to tell me that he always kept one fat guy on the crew. (Somebody he could out run). I think he was just kidding about that, but I think he was serious when he said that they hired natives to kill problem bears because they could do it legally.

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I hate to say it, but I would be carrying on that job...and be having Polar Bear stew for dinner....and my friend on the camera, we'll he probably wouldn't be for very long





BTW...I wonder if he actually made it into the truck ?

Just don't eat the liver. Polar bear liver is the one and only mammal meat that is poisonous to humans. Toxic levels of vitamin A.


This is your useless trivia for the day.



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I spent 6 years north of the Arctic circle with a great deal of that time "on the ice".


First off I think that guy running is photographer cause you can see his camera stand leaning against the truck. Polar bears LOVE photographers (yumyum) cause they are never armed.


Second thing is that polar bears will stalk and hunt a man. Watched it happen with my own to eyes so know that to be very true.


Third off you do not need a large caliber gun for polar bears, all you need is a 22.

This is for shooting your partner in the foot so no matter what you can out run him/her.


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Third off you do not need a large caliber gun for polar bears, all you need is a 22.

This is for shooting your partner in the foot so no matter what you can out run him/her.




you shoot your partner in the foot...the bear gets your partner (coz he can't run no more) and you escape unharmed LOL great diversion tactic!


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I hate to say it, but I would be carrying on that job...and be having Polar Bear stew for dinner....and my friend on the camera, we'll he probably wouldn't be for very long



BTW...I wonder if he actually made it into the truck ?



I was thinking the same thing. Best to protect yourself when in the wild.

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