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Everything posted by speakerfritz

  1. dropped a bike twice in my life due to front wheel lock....wonder if this device would help...anyone try one....justed ordered a few to give them a run. http://www.tcbbrakesystems.com/
  2. I've been riding for 41 years. Few times with stator, regulator, battery problems. most non efi bikes need little power to actually run once started....main power draw if the lighting system. many ways of recharding the battery along the way.....always carry mini jumper cables...those cig lighter to cig lighter work good also...I keep a small charger in my kit and have used it on more than one occacion.
  3. Harleys leak oil and to catch a theif all you would have to do is follwo the oil trail.
  4. can one install the next size up jet kit with out drilling out the cap for mixture adjust. I understand that making the adjust is the optimal process....but will I gain a richer mixture at all with out the adjust. thanks
  5. the led light bar is from rivco Super Bright Trunk Mount LED Tail and Brake Light 69 bucks......a third of the price of the light bar wing not affiliated...searched for a long time to find this and want to share the info its pretty dangerous driving around NYC with just the small low to the ground stock brake light on my venture
  6. so I found this light bar which can be mounted on top of the trunk or under the trunk. reportedly can use existing helmet lock holes.
  7. I didnt like the look of the Yamaha accessory light bar/wing combo with the rack
  8. do all rejet kits require drilling? I have a 2013 venture I want to rejet 1 step up in jet size.
  9. so yes...new 2013 venture and the characteristic whining noise is prevalent. everyone who rides nearby bike can hear the whine as well as the rear passenger did some googling and read the threads. I think the folks that are playing with their oil levels are on the right track. Also think the folks that are charactering this as a gear cut problem have half the story. So I lowered the rear of my bike 1 inch using the complex kit that relocates the brake to the bottom of the wheel......hum...whining noise reduced...theory....lowering the bike moves the oil repository more to the rear which by the way is where the clutch basket is. so building on this started to consider the merits of the gear cut info...the only thing that made any sense to me was the close tolerance of the gear cuts....hum...maybe we need thinner oil so more penetration occurs...so I changed from the 10W40 or 20W50 that came with the bike and switched to 5W40 Mobil 1 diesel oil.....5W40 is deeper penetrating when cold than 10W40 or 20W50 and flows the same as 10W40 when hot. I added an extra half a quart to account for the shift in oil level attributed to the lowering of the bike.....results are the remaining whine is all but gone...does not whine any more than the primary chain in my 2007 Harley ultra or my 2005 Vrod. my cost to address this was 200 for the lowering kit and 40 bucks for the oil change, 2 hours of my time. so am I advocating you go out and lower your bike...nope am I advocating you overfill by half a quart...nope am I advocating you switch to 5w40 Mobil diesel...nope just reporting what I experienced. After engine break in I may change to Mobil 5W50 racing oil. I like the Mobil 5W40 diesel oil and Mobil 1 5W50 racing oil because it has more zinc than Mobil 1 10W40 motor cycle oil and more zinc than Mobil 1 20W50 motorcycle oil while at the same time offering an option where thinner cold oil may be more advantageous.
  10. I love repeatable and predictable results. on side stand when not in use=whining on center stand when not in use=no whining guess there will be an increased demand for center stands.....maybe we should do a group buy.
  11. anyone try Mobil 1 5W40 turbo Diesel, it has one of the highest Zinc and phospurous contents on the market.
  12. any updates on this or is the new poll now have you sold your bike becuase of the whine, kept it, whine went away, whine got worse? just got a venture and after reading thru this need to check my drive shaft lube...folks are indicating they checked theirs and found no grease.
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