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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/21/2021 in all areas

  1. Just heard from Cowpuc. He and Tippy are doing well. Taking time with grand kids and playing around with their Ebikes! He knows his membership is expired and probably won't renew. "we are on to the next phase of life"...in his words. He does miss us and wants me to say "HI" to all for them! So we shall see where the Pucster ends up...and I'll be keeping in touch with him and let you know how they are doing. Sniff, david
    2 points
  2. Well I did get it out to try to light it up today. I got a bunch of pops a few farts and a couple of really loud BANGS. The longest it ran was about 2 seconds. It was like it was just burning off the prime, I can tell it was getting fuel by watching the level in the tank go down. I have no clue as to just what flow rate I should be using, so this is all trial and a lot of error. All of the batteries are charging now so I may give it another try tomorrow with a different fuel mix and see what happens.
    2 points
  3. Now that makes a bit of sense,,,, finally some wisdom here!!! @ guys saying more or less the same thing, must make it right! Thanks guys!!
    1 point
  4. Ya I know this ain't MC related. BUT it sure do look like it will be fun. I just ordered this from Germany, it should be here in about 3 weeks. Then we get to see just how much trouble I can get myself into. I know that I am not the only one on this site that messes with RC toys. This should have a level flight speed of around 400KPH or 250 MPH. A little more coming out of a dive. It is called a Super Scout It has a wingspan of 44 inches and is 61 inches long. It should have a flying weight of around 14 lbs and the pulse jet engine has about 18 lbs of thrust. This means it can accelerate even going straight up. The whole rear half of the engine (the skinny part) will be glowing bright orange while it is running. It runs on a mixture of 50% gas and 50% diesel, with some 2 stroke oil added to that at a 50:1 mix. Sounds like a nice volatile mixture to me. Even though it looks like it is a complete aircraft, that is just a fiberglass shell, there is a lot of work that goes into making it flight ready. It will likely take me through most of the summer to get it built. Man I hate waiting for toys to show up in the mail.
    1 point
  5. You may not see it but you should be able to hear it from there.
    1 point
  6. In that area, there isn't much. Forward of that is a lot of areas....but your scoot looks to clean for those. My guess is pry off the rubber drive boot cover and see if there is oil there.
    1 point
  7. Fine by me Richard. All the bikes are gone now and have no intentions of riding anymore. Started in 1959 and it has been a ride to remember, but the old body has had enough. PM your address and I will send them on.
    1 point
  8. Sure,,,, slap me over the head,,,, give me a wedgie,,,, spill my coffee,,, drink my beer and then tell me you love me after pulling the rug from under me. Love you too Earl!!
    1 point
  9. RC airplanes were my father's hobby too. He built all kinds: electric powered gliders with di- and poly-hedral wings and folding props (one of which had a wingspan of at least 8'), tons of high and low-wing gassers, and a really cool bi-plane that he built before I was born. Some of them were amphibious; floats with wheels in them, just like a bush plane. He started me off on a control-line flyer with a Cox .049 Black Widow on the front, and eventually even browbeat me into building a model Piper Cub. It was never really my thing though, since he plunked me down on a Honda Z50R when I was 5. The day he showed me how to make Immelmann turns was close though. One winter he built something similar to this, from scratch. It was a delta wing with a boat hull shaped into the bottom. Yeah, we spent our weekends at a lake, and he wanted to be able to take off and land sitting on the dock. The entire airframe was shaped from Styrofoam SM, covered with laid-up fibreglass, then filled, glazed and painted. The paint job was primo, because he was a Master Auto Body mechanic, owned his own shop, and was a lifelong hot-rodder. The oddest thing about this odd thing of his own design, was the huge 4-stroke (!) engine mounted at the top of the tail. I don't remember exactly, but I don't think it was backwards with a pusher prop. May have been though. Where else would you locate the motor on such a thing? It took him most of the winter, and I recall he said that it didn't fly for ****, but sure made a poor boat. LOL! He had far more creativity than I do, and I wish he had lived longer. Maybe some of it would have rubbed off; a lot of his other traits certainly did.
    1 point
  10. Whether it is a crater or a lawn dart depends on how much fuel is aboard when it hits the ground..... If you can keep control of it and land safely you have mad skills. I have built and flown a few R/C aircraft over the years but it would scare me to death to pilot that one. Back when I was ready to move up from an .049 to something with a throttle I bought a Super Sport kit that called for a .15 engine. Since I was planning on using a grass strip the guy at the hobby shop talked me into putting a .25 engine on it......big mistake for my skill level at the time. Take-off roll was non-existent. Hit the throttle and it would literally jump into the air from a standstill. Stand it on its tail and it would climb like a rocket. I managed to crash it twice on the same flight (crashed, bounced into the air, gave it throttle, came back around and crashed again). On that plane's last flight it got away from me and I could not tell which way it was pointing. When we finally found it about a mile away I had to dig for the engine.
    1 point
  11. And now for the drum roll please................,..., The pics of the paint job you have been waiting for...................... This was the first time the sun came out since I painted it. It looks good as long as you don't look closely at it anywhere. The camera did not capture the metal flake in the red very well, that part looks better in person.
    1 point
  12. This is actually a great color pattern for spatial orientation. Each side has highly contrasting colors so it is visible against any back ground light or dark, the top and bottom patterns are very different so that you can instantly tell if you are looking at the top or the bottom, and the shape itself will indicate what direction it is headed.
    1 point
  13. I am sooooo hearing that about this medical nonsense neighbor!!! Been flat out of it again recouping from the recent knife fight with the Docs BUT = things are slowly picking back up!! When they pulled those parts out of me recently they found, yet another, small issue - something called Pulminary Hypertension - tickers all swelled up on the side that feeds the lungs - these Doctors are driving me bonkers LOL.. Gotta go in Friday now for more heart testing - here we go again. Neat thing about this new finding is the Cancer doc told me last week that there is high probability that this recent heart finding could be monumental in regaining some of my alertness.. Then, unsolicited - my family doctor recently said the same thing!! Allllll that said brother - I can TOTALLY relate to your chatter about getting back on top of things = ME TOO = CANT WAIT!!! CANT WAIT TO FINALLY SEE THAT ROCKET SHIP BLASTING ACROSS THE POND - EVEN IF IT DOES LEAVE A SCANT OF WHITE POWDER FROM ITS JET WASH ON MY LAWN = LET ER BUCK PARTNER!!!! :big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon:
    1 point
  14. OK Puc you asked for it...... Seeing as this is the first one of these to enter the USA I am doing a build thread on this for a couple of model aircraft forums. It also means that I will be doing a lot of learning as I go.
    1 point
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