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I am growing a beard. It has been 5 weeks since the face kissed the razor. Doesnt look too bad either. I have never grown a beard that you could scare your Mother with. In my younger days I did have an Amish tripping on acid ginger colored thing that encircled my jawline. I looked like someone you did not want your daughter dating. The shaved head did not add luster to the appearence. As I age the beard has spots of salt and pepper and brown now. It looks nice I think. I want to grow it to about a half a ZZ Top. I comb it everyday to train it. I am just letting it go for length now.

Any advice from the long beard gang on cutting and forming?

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I have one but I keep it very short, probably not even called a beard, my buddy has one and he's grown it out to about a foot long. My wife took one look at it and said No way In hell! She has since nicknamed it--- The Anti-Sex Device. But his is all ratty and ruff looking, they can be ok but ya got to keep it groomed hehe just mt 2 cents tho

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While you may not be the best looking beard there is one great advantage to having a long beard.....You will never lack for leftovers to eat.:whistling:

Boomer....who remains beardless by decree (the Warden's) and not personal choice.:rotf:


Strangely my Warden has not commented. I keep a lid on the subject at this time.

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I have had one since September of 1977 use to wear it pretty long back in the day but keep it trimmed up nice and neat now............:)


A razor hasnt touched my face since Nov 3, 1978. Thats the day I got out of the Army. My wife has never seen me with out a beard. Sometimes I let it grow out in the winter but most times I keep it short. I like mine between 1/4 to 1/2 inch long.

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