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Any of you Indiana riders get out yesterday?

Mariner Fan

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I'm looking out the window at the snow falling and am happy as heck that I got out on my bike yesterday.


Weather was clear and in the high 40's. Here in the Mid-West, the weather can and will change overnight so when these opportunities come up I take full advantage of it. :cool10:

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I didn't get out yesterday, because I didn't have anywhere I had to go. But I was out every other day this week except Tuesday, the day it rained all day long and flooded everything. If the roads and weather are clear, I ride. The cold doesn't stop me. Gotta minimize my gas cost whenever I can.


Friday I stopped at the local small town bank branch for a bit of business. It was maybe 35*. All the gals in there know me and get a chuckle out of how long into the winter I keep riding. The one who helped me that day asked me if got out on my bike earlier in the week when the weather was so warm. (Last Monday we hit a record high of 64*, but it only lasted a day and a half). I just chuckled and pointed out the window to my bike. "Whaddayamean earlier this week?"

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Sigh. Nope.


Ten years ago I rode any time the roads were clear of ice and snow. Today I allow circumstance to stop me. Rain is not really a problem. Cold I can deal with to a point. Rain and cold at the same time just take it a little too far.


Apparantly I've gotten not young.

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Rode three of four times this past week. We have had some decent weather in the south of Indiana this winter. did ride on New Years Day. About 40 miles, 30* temps. Never know from day to day what the temps will be. Don't like the weather? wait a day it will change.



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I got out a couple of other day's this week, but had to work a 12 hr shift yesterday, so I drove my truck. I hate not being able to ride as much in the winter. The big thing I'm doing right now is planning and dreaming about Eck's Natchez Trace Ride! Also doing some maintenance on my baby.

I sure don't want to hear from all you Texans or anyone else about how many darn miles you rode yesterday either. :stirthepot:






:Im not listening to

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