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Wow, sorry to hear that, Scott. Sure am glad that didn't happen on the covered bridge ride a few weeks back. Better to have that green stream running down your driveway at home than running down a narrow country road in Ohio!!!


Hopefully someone will have one that they can help you out with.



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Hey Mother


I'd check with Zdeno Cycle Salvage in Kitchener, they've got an absolutely huge inventory, was in there last week to look for an exhaust collector box for a 1st Gen Venture, he had one that looked new for $170. I'm sure I saw more than a couple of rads on the shelf.




If you need any help, either picking it up, or installing it, give me a shout, I'll be more than glad to give a hand.



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i knew if i posted here, i would get a response. my pm box is flowing with people selling parts, and great leads on where to go, then my phone rings, long distance east coast USA, and a rad from an 89 will be in the mail over the next couple of days at a fair price.


thanks to all, this site is the bestest. :whistling:

(that means even better than the best, right Carl)


cheers, Scott

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i knew if i posted here, i would get a response. my pm box is flowing with people selling parts, and great leads on where to go, then my phone rings, long distance east coast USA, and a rad from an 89 will be in the mail over the next couple of days at a fair price.


thanks to all, this site is the bestest. :whistling:

(that means even better than the best, right Carl)


cheers, Scott


Guess your solution saves me from stopping at Zdeno for yah !


Carl you were so helpful this time. Guess the last time you wanted him out of your driveway :sign20:



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and the funny part was, i was going to go to Carls for a visit, a coffee and pick up some steaks and then go to BRadT to use his BBQ. oh well, i had a TV dinner instead.


You know where the BBQ is. But remember button 6 on the white phone is my cell, let me know when they will be ready.



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and the funny part was, i was going to go to Carls for a visit, a coffee and pick up some steaks and then go to BRadT to use his BBQ. oh well, i had a TV dinner instead.

Heck with goin' to Brad's, we could have cooked it up right here and enjoyed a real meal, course then Brad would have been sulking and we'd have to go there to make him feel better. Oh well, next time.

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I had been smelling antifreeze off and on for a few days. Then, as lonestarmedic and I stopped for gas on his way out of town, I had steam coming up. I went home and pulled the radiator cover off and ran it up to temp. Sure enough, it was oozing out the fins in front. I thought about calling a rad shop to see what they would charge to fix it, or make a post similar to mother's. Then I remembered that I had a tube of AlumaSeal sitting around. Thought "What the heck!" and put about a quarter of it in, fired it up and rode. I left the cover off for a couple of days and so far, a week later, it's holding.


I hope it will stay good, if not, I'll be coming back here!


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