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Hazards of the Feathered


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Much talk has taken place here lately about the danger of hitting dear. Rightly so and we should certainly take it to heart. However, a friend and I were riding to Florence, AL from Decatur this past Saturday evening to watch a football game and encounted another hazard, maybe not as dangerous, but certainly not anything you would want to happen.


My friend was in the lead, in the right lane when I noticed a hawk in the median of the divided four lane. As he approached it, it took off across the highway in front of him about 2 feet high. He did not see it, until, to avoid a collision, the hawk went verticle right in front of his windshield just missing the top of his helmet. It seemed the hawk then stalled and the turbulance from bike cause it to sink, this time in front of me - at least I was seeing this unfold and swerved to avoid a collision.


A 2 to 3 lb bird with a 3 to 4 ft wing span in you face would certainly mess up your day.


Food for thought!! :2133:

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Many years ago, when I had a 1971 yamaha 650 special, without a windshield,I had a bird hit my helmet, thank god for helmets, It just about took me off the bike. No fun. I also had a bumblbee nail me in the face, that was almost worst than the bird. Kind of funny when you think about it now.:( well maybe not.

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WOW, I know what you mean about low flying birds. Last year I was on a ride through Marin County - by us - and low flying wild turkey's were everywhere. I thought maybe they were trying to get a close up view of my bike :rotf::rotf:, but that definitely was scary. Glad to hear you guys are OK.:thumbsup2:

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Had a buddy hit a wild turkey once. 3 or 4 decided to cross the road as he was coming by. Missed them all but the 1. Down he went. He walked away due to him wearing heavy ride gear. (it was late fall and cold that day) but bike recieved some heavy damage to both sides of the bike.

Son hit some kind of small sparrow once . That left a nice dust print on the windshield. Got his attention for sure. LOL


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The closest I have come is rounding a corner on a back country road and having a bunch of buzzards sitting on a road kill in the middle of the lane. There was a black wall of wings as they all tried to lift off at the same time. Luckily I got the bike righted and stopped in time to avoid them but they were sure slow getting off the ground. This has happened to me twice in as many years.



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I've hit two birds while riding a bike....one in Ft Collins got me on the toe and the other many years ago got me, at speed, in the shoulder. Took my left hand right off the grip and hurt like the dickens.


This spring we were out riding and we "lost" sight of our friends behind us. Slowed down and stopped...he roared up shortly and said that they had hit a duck! The fairing took the blast and move his mirror some and he had some feathers. Lucky.

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