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Remove lower fairing to change air filters?

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I haven't changed my air filters. The dealer did it the last time so I looked around on the bike yesterday to see about removing them and didn't find an easy way to get them off. Do you have to remove the lower fairings in order to get the filters off?




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Taking the lowers off sure makes the job easier. You can get to the two 10mm bolts on each air cleaner housing with a long extension and a U-joint or wobble, but getting the bolts back in is a REAL fun little game. Trust me, the three screws on the lowers is the easier way to go. :080402gudl_prv:


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+1 on removing the lower cowling. I checked my air filters at 4K miles (per Yamaha recommended check) and it only took me 5 to 10 minutes to remove the lowers. It is a good idea to remove it since you can wipe the area around the air filter housing and to where the breather tube sits...


Have fun working on your bike.

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Like others have said already, I removed mine for the air filters. I did this [the first time] because I thought I needed to in order to get the filters off. It turns out that it was not 100% necessary, but for the 5 minutes it took me to R&I both cowlings it was worth it for a few reasons. First, I could easily get the air boxes back on, make sure everything was clean in and around where they mount (don't want anything getting sucked into that intake that isn't supposed to!) The other pluses for taking off the cowlings is getting the chance to give the insides a good cleaning. Some might argue that this is not necessary, but where I live it is really dusty and that stuff gets in EVERYTHING. So I took a few minutes to make sure to wipe everything down, check the few electrical harness (cleaned those too, after all dielectric grease is cheap), check and clean out the fuse box (on the side with the brake pedal) etcetera.

Yes, it may have taken longer to do all that, but I figured I was in there anyway so it couldn't hurt anything.

Anyway, that is my :2cents:.


Have fun,

- Rick M.

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I haven't changed my air filters. The dealer did it the last time so I looked around on the bike yesterday to see about removing them and didn't find an easy way to get them off. Do you have to remove the lower fairings in order to get the filters off?





As much as a pain in the assets as it can be to remove, it's worth the while.. I never did remove them until recently and now I always remove them.. so much easier..

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You dont need to remove the lowers completely, just remove the 2 screws on the outside and the one screw on the inside and it will drop out of the way. I usually do one side at a time. Just dont force them down or you will break the tab underneath. Filter access is easy now.

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