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Eating Vicadin and using ice


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So, I have had time to reply to a few posts this week. Been able to read threads and posts. Why you ask? Because my right leg doesn't bend like the legs of a bird!!!!!!!! I stepped on some gravel at work and landed my right leg against the curb. Tried to flex my toes up against my shin. Heard and felt a pop and fell to the ground. Apparently I ripped my calf muscle. So, I see stars and go lightheaded for about 15 minutes. I rode to work so I figured I had about a half hour before the pain really set in. Got some help and backed the bike out of the lot. Drove home using my left foot with the right propped on the peg. Maggie had the garage open and I dropped the kickstand and she helped me off. Could not use the leg at all by then. Kinda new what had happened. So, now I have a cane and the local old folks with walkers can lap me. Going to occupational health Tuesday for an exam. Been off since Wednesday. Since it happened on base I am not allowed to return until the exam. Goes under worker's comp. And since I work on the 3rd floor without an elevator they consider it unsafe. Oh Well, no lost days or pay.




Oh. insult to injury - the only pistol grip handle cane available has freaking flowers and vines printed on it!!! I will get something different if I am told to use the cane for a while.

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Good luck with that. Us old folks on canes don't heal like we use too. :rotf:


All kidding aside, Take it easy for a few days JB. Last time I rode my bike injured I was 20 and had a dislocated shoulder. That hurt like he$$. And the AF docs said I made it worse..


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Hey JB,

Both Jean and I were sorry to hear about your accident! You know, we don't "Hop Up" like those young bucks do any more! Take it easy on that leg and get well soon! It could have been worse....You codda' broke your beer opening hand!:doh:

Rest up and take it easy,

Earl and Jean

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Hope its not as bad as you suspect. Need some help? We can come push you around the yard or something.


Seriously, anything you would do for us and there's not much you wouldn't do for us, we are more than willing to do for you.

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Hmmmm... Vicadin and a cane. If you get the grumpy yet adorable attitude, you can tell everyone you're the person they patterned House after.


On a serious note, I have been in that particular situation as well. Mine happened in high school football. Knee bent the wrong way. As you know, but others may not, it isn't nearly as comfortable as it looks or sounds.


I wish you a speedy recovery.

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Sorry to hear the bad news. At least you had an EMT close by your accident. Hope you recover before riding season and enjoy your time off. I busted up my knees a few months ago and ended up with 5 days of paid vacation before doctor released back to work.....:thumbsup2:

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sorry to hear about your "misfortune".

i do hope you heal quickly and correctly.



OH! if you need a "scooter chair", i have one you can use.

doesn't even have 1 mile of usage on it.

let me know if ya need it, and i'll get Ron to bring it up to you.

just jt


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I feel pretty good today. I hope to get a limited clearance tomorrow. My only problem is trying to kneel or squat to work on the bikes. So, I have a drafting chair with a foot rail in the garage. Set it at the workbench and do all my wiring and soldering projects.


Oh- I have the grouchy, sarcastic atitude already. Now all I need is Hugh Laurie's (House) money!!


I will change the "purty" cane if I end up needing it for a while.


JT- can you fit a V-4 on that scooter?


I am lucky to have good folks around here. Thanks for the offers.


If I need a hand, I can get my cousin to come over and help. Might have him or Maggie put the bike on the centerstand for some basic maintenance.


First injury I have had in a long time. Always been able to do what I want when I want. So, I will follow the Doc's orders. Don't want any lasting effects.



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I can hope that your damage is minor. I tore my left calf up a year ago last March. I took a flying back flip off my wooden deck on the ice and ended up looking at my boot laces from a whole new angle. Not damaged as bad as it could have been (no surgery) but enough to keep me wrapped up and in a support boot for 8 weeks. Not a enjoyable experience by any means. The cold weather brings a reminder every time my leg gets cold.


Heal well and quickly.


And go easy on that leg when you start riding again. Stopping was always fun trying to remember to lean on the good leg. Forgot a few times. Hard to ride when your eyes are watering that bad. LOL!

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