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About ladyfyrefiter

  • Birthday 02/07/1964

Personal Information

  • Name
    Karen Gossink


  • Location
    Fox Lake, WI, United States


  • City
    Fox Lake, WI


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2005 Midnite Venture
  1. Scooter called and said he arrived at Playboys safe and sound. They are going out to dinner tonight and will be heading to the MD in Texas on Friday morning. He is still hunting for a great scavenger hunt target, you guys all know Scooter, always ready to play the game. Anything for a reason to ride. Til later, Karen
  2. Almost forgot, I received a package delivery today. What a sweet guy you are. First you go off galavanting across the USA and leave me back to battle the ice storm, snow, :snow2:and the cold, and go to work every day while you bike along with friends to new destinations in very nice warm weather . What did I ask that you send back for me??? A cowboy, an oil baron, or a tumbleweed. Well, you have no excuse for what you sent me because you even posted a picture of the tumbleweed. Here I was, home from work at lunch and there is a package for me. I bring it in the house and open it. Guess what was inside:confused24:...as if you don't already know. YOUR LAUNDRY:soapbox:?!?!?! Where in the world is my tumbleweed ??? SOOOOO, is set your nicely packaged laundry box on the floor and called in Bean and Jakey. Well they went nuts. They rutted through the clothes acting as if you were stuffed inside the box too. Then they started running back and forth from the kitchen door to the bedroom, then going outside to try to find your hiding place. Then clawing at the door to come back in and start the process all over again. So much for the relaxing lunch break. You owe me big. (:stirthepot:Just kidding, :stickpoke:I'm not really upset). But, you are very lucky that I put the laundry in the hamper instead of keeping the box on the floor and letting the dogs empty it out for you:buttkick:. If you dare, call me later when you get a chance. Love ya, Karen
  3. I am pretty sure the bikes engine slowed down because your RPM's were reved:Venture:. It's because the bike wanted to go one way and you wanted to go toward for the scavenger hunt picture:no-no-no:. Nice scenery huh ? Love ya, Karen
  4. That a boy Scooter!! I knew you could pull it off. LOL Love your sense of humor in every thing that you do:no-no-no:. Was that a rustic road by chance:bighug:?
  5. :whistling:My guess is that you won't be finding the current scavenger hunt target there:stirthepot:. Oh well, you still have more chances yet to come. Karen
  6. LMAO Come on guys, let your hair down and have a little fun. I am going to PM Scooter Bob on this one. I'm sure he'll be interested in the hunt . Unfortunately he is headed into colder weather now:cold:, darn the luck huh guys? LOL I can honestly say that Scooter enjoys trying to find every target out there. Have a great time in your searching:080402gudl_prv:. Karen
  7. Just got off the phone with Scooter Bob. He is loving Luckenbach soooo much I don't think he's coming back to Wisconsin . If any one out there hapens to see him, send him back home please. I happen to be freezing up here (not sure if its because he's not here or because it is just too da** cold ). Actually, when I went on the Luckenback web site and saw pictures of what he was going to see today, I already had figured out that he probably wouldn't want to come home in the near future... Do I know you too well honey? Just remember to send me back a cowboy but don't UPS him packaged in dry ice unless you are sure that he will come out of hibernation when I unwrap the package. Karen:bighug:
  8. I wish Scooter and I could be there but you are far from Wisconsin and with the new job, I have very little vacation to use. Good luck supporting a cause that means so much. Karen
  9. Scooter arrived in Waller at the maintenance day late this afternoon. He called to say he is going to start visiting with the others who are there so he probably won't get on the site. Watch for later posts of maintenance day and more travels over the weekend and next week. Karen
  10. You are soooo lucky that I'm not sending you scenic pictures from Wisconsin. We have been having some wonderful weather here in Wisconsin, including an ice storm up here that caused four power outages today. It has rained:rain2:, snowed:snow2:, sleeted, thundered, and then I really can't describe what it has been doing all day, not to mention the wind too. Honey, you OWE me big:buttkick:. Somehow, I'm not seeing the winter wonderland in those pictures of Beaver Dam and Oak Grove dear. What were you thinking leaving me up here in this stuff while you walk arount in T-shirts and enjoy the sun? How dare you (just kidding) apply sunscreen and enjoy warm weather while I am applying long underwear and keeping my feet warm on the heat register. I thought that we had an understanding about where and how I warmed my feet . I miss you and will talk to you later. Karen
  11. I definitely remember that campground !!! Missing you already and freezing up here in Wisconsin. The dogs are in deep depression too. No baby yet either. Be safe and remember my tumbleweed. Karen
  12. Those of you who know Scooter Bob and I already know that I have to change my answer because this is a PG site so... I would have to say that my favorite hobby other than riding with Scooter Bob would be dreaming about how to spend money I don't have and strip poker, or strip dominos, or strip cribbage or strip anything, or leather ... never mind that one... Maybe I should have listed BSing first huh? ladyfyrefiter aka Karen
  13. Scooter Bob has been riding a few times this year so far. First was New Years Day which is an annual tradition. The second time was about two weeks ago. BUT>>> he has also purchased a Yamaha Venture snowmobile and has dragged me out in the cold for some fun in the snow. This is my first time riding a snowmobile in years but we try to get out on the weekends when the trails are open. Have been having fun with this new season of Venture riding. Til later, Karen and Scooter Bob.
  14. Spotted these growing by the DQ in Beaver Dam. The next target is.... A pic of You and your Bike and a roadside fruit or veggie stand. Good Luck, Karen
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