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Everything posted by ChiefGunner

  1. My house is 2acres back on a gravel driveway. Just go slow and easy & no problem. In answer to “why the backup camera” number 1 is because ITS COOL AS CRAP! Number 2 is because you can see much better directly how your rig is towing than you can in side view. Number 3 is that it’s really easy to get the license # of the jerk tailgating you! Number 4 (and you’ll understand this shortly with your own bike) the SVTC is a BIG girl. It’s sometimes difficult to see the back of her butt when moving backwards in a tight situation. The camera I’m getting has night IR and parking guide lines. I can see it clearly even in the dark. Hope that helps!
  2. Wish I could. I was planning a ride from here near Charlotte up to see a longtime friend in Lititz, PA, but the weather went downhill. It’s only an 8hr ride but he hasn’t seen “BigRed”. Weather turned bad 100% rain Friday & 70% Saturday so that trip isn’t happening. We’re forecast to have temps all next week in the upper 70’s with a couple 81’s. I’ve only had her since Dec 29th and already got 5k miles! It’s so easy to hop in the saddle and just gobble up road!! P.S. Should hear back from Yamaha tomorrow. Have been talking to them about the backup camera hookup location and type of connector needed. Will keep everyone informed.
  3. Do you remember my earlier post reply to you that I stated that same exact thing? I told you that you’d be looking at $40k for a comparably equipped HD and only IF they had some of the amenities available which they do not. Glad you’re a “fast learner”!
  4. You are correct Sir. The SVTC comes with the 5 yr warranty but there is no paid introductory subscription to Sirius. I’m GLAD you took my advice Joe & talked to Yamaha DIRECTLY. I told you your dealership was both deceptive and incompetent. I also said that you were making a lot of “noise” but just not to the right people. I also told you Yamaha was concerned about people’s orders on the SV getting fulfilled. Your latest post after following my advice has proven me correct in ALL POINTS. NOW, just watch and see if they don’t give you $1k towards any Yamaha extras for the bike because of all your troubles. Just remember “I told you so!” Looking forward to seeing that ear to ear grin of yours on your new baby![ATTACH=CONFIG]112366[/ATTACH]
  5. A suggestion if I may. Your dealership sounds both deceptive and incompetent. Stop calling them for info. call Yamaha Customer Relations and voice your concerns to them. TELL them you are ready to purchase a competitor because your order placed last October for a SVTC has gone unanswered! Your dealer sucks. Yamaha cares about the reputation the SV roll out and pre-order is getting. You’re making some “noise “, just not to the right people IMHO.
  6. I don’t understand you? Did you not say that Yamaha said it’s on the way? Did you not get a call from Yamaha themselves? Did you not say that you would give them AT LEAST until May 5th? WHY are you bouncing around like a a pachinko ball in a machine? This is the “BigOne” the decision that’s gonna be with you for YEARS to come. Call Yamaha DIRECT at Customer Relations. Talk to someone directly. Go after the answer instead of waiting for someone to contact you. Heck, Customer Relations knows me by first name and I’ve got them on SPEED DIAL! I just don’t want you to jump out of impatience into something you may regret for a LONG time. Just my take as an SVTC owner.
  7. ChiefGunner


    Ya see, this brings up a question which I am specifically "qualified" to answer from personal experience. Allow me to elaborate..... My name is Anthony but I have people call me Tony (or Chief), Yet time and again I get people asking me WHY my name tag on my shirt says "Anthony" if I wanted people to call me Tony?? I politely inform them that it is "for MY PROTECTION!" Right about now they are displaying the same baffled expression that you are. You see, if I have "Tony" there and I've been working 16-18hrs & getting loopy and I look down at the name tag, I see it BACKWARDS and it says Y NOT! It gets me into too much trouble!
  8. Just an FYI, When I'm doing 80mph on the SVTC I'm only turning 2750rpm on the tach!!
  9. I’ve got almost 5k miles in my SVTC and some of it in 80 degree weather and I haven’t noticed a heat issue. My 91 MK2 Venture Royale was water cooled but the fan just blew it up around me, so the heat IMHO is really no different.
  10. IMHO the SVTC is a direct competitor to the Harley Baggers. YES, you can FEEL the power pulses of the big v-twin but it’s subtle and not jarring. To get a comparably equipped HD with ALL the amenities of a SVTC you’d pay $40k+ IF they even have some of the functions. My local dealership in the last 1.5 mos has had at least 4 HD riders trade their’s in on a new SVTC. One of them only had 3k miles on it. That alone says something. Also, I found an HD dealership online that is actually selling the SVTC! I know you’ve seen the pics of my baby outside the Biker Bar I occasionally frequent. Almost all are HD hard core. I pulled up one day when I first got it and 4 guys came out to the sound of a low rumbling v-twin. They started asking questions about it. By the time I was done showing them the functions & pricing, one of the riders said, “Dang! If that’s what Yamaha is doing these days, SCREW Harley!” I think HD riders are tired of paying a premium but not getting what they want. As someone here also said “HD has made some improvements but it’s too little too late.” Again IMHO, you will not be disappointed in your choice to go SVTC.
  11. I guess I’m late to the table, but CONGRATS you two! I thought we were doing good at 32 yrs. Hope you have many more together! God bless you both!
  12. Looks like a FUN machine there Freebird! Have a friend of mine who’s getting one of those.i was there when he took a test drive & came back with a YUGE smile on his face!
  13. Yesterday I installed a “Knight Rider” LED light bar on the dash of my new SVTC. I tied it into the alarm system so that when the alarm is “set”, the light bar does a back & forth sweep. If the alarm is activated I flashes 7 times and stays bright red until the alarm resets and then goes back to sweep. Great visual deterrent! Gonna try getting the backup camera installed by next weekend.
  14. Don't be too upset. We had a cooling off here so it was only 70 yesterday. AND today & tomorrow.... Lol! [ATTACH=CONFIG]112307[/ATTACH]
  15. Hey Joe, thought I’d share this with you. I detailed her and went out riding & took this pic at a local biker hang out. It generates some attention! ![ATTACH=CONFIG]112305[/ATTACH]
  16. That is one benefit for sure. I will probably pay for the 6mos subscription soon. Been waiting until I know I have solid steady riding weather. I won’t pay for it if I can only ride once in a while. BTW, what is a “Titan”?? Post Edit: Oh, you’re talking 4 wheels. Comparing apples to grapes.
  17. Wow! She sure is dressed up. Looks to be in great shape too! I really enjoyed mine. This new SVTC is a completely different animal. Don’t know if you’re considering one but all I can say about it is WOW!
  18. No the didn’t. As a matter of fact the SVTC Manual states HOW to subscribe but it wasn’t included even on a trial basis here in the states.
  19. I would hope so given how much you're paying in Canadian vs American dollars! I guess I shouldn't complain.
  20. I'm waiting on my Service Manual (same as dealerships use. $110 with shipping at yamahapubs.com) to arrive. As soon as I have that, I'll know myself. Should be here today. Woo Hoo!
  21. The IMPORTANT thing is Par that you ARE riding!
  22. On my '91 I used to bleed and FLUSH the lines whenever I noticed the fluid starting to darken at all. For me that ended up being about 7-8 months. Since its the heat that causes the discoloration and fluid breakdown, hotter locations will darken faster. Also, Getting one of those "speed bleeder" kits is a real blessing. Makes the job so much easier. Make sure you have ALL the surround area of the reservoirs covered with towels to protect it. I don't need to tell you what brake & clutch fluid do to paint!
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