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Do thhe deer whistles really work?


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With the passive type you have to be going at least 40 for them to make any measurable sound. The sound they do make is mostly out of the range of the deers' hearing anyway. As to active whistles, the jury's still out and probably always will be in the sense that having butter/margarine in the fridge keeps elephants out.


Some non definitive links:






A bit more definitive:




A link to info about active deer whistles:



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I don't know if they work or not, but they were on my bike when I got it, and any ones I have seen have taken off, most recently on Thursday when we were checking out the Brown County ride. One momma standing in the road coming around a curve, she blasted outta there before we even got close, baby took off the other way.

On the wifes vehicle(s), the only one that's never had them on there got slammed in the side door by a deer one evening coming home out in the country.

I know that's not definitive proof, just my testimony. The way I figure it, it can't hurt, just like having an extra horn or lights on your bike for the cagers to see. Kinda like the headlight modulator thread.


Just my experience,



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I live in Deer Country and Do Not use one.I see probably 45-60 deer when I go to work in the mornings..They do not do much MOST of the time UNLESS you make a change in sound from vehicle,IE accellerate Honk the horn or whatever,then they RUN EVERY direction! THAT IS NOT GOOD! If I keep same speed,keep an eye on them USUALLY they just look and continue eating. THAT being said,Deer are VERY unpredictable and YES they will run into you or in front of you without warning.My preference is slow easily,Look out for them to do ANYTHING but dont make ANY noises as a deer is very spooked and just because you have a "deer whistle" does not mean they are going to run away from you..They go EVERYWHERE.

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I guess mine work- but they're sitting in the garage. They came with my bike, but I pulled them off soon after I got it. Your description of how the deer react to your bike is the same reaction I get from deer to my bike, without whistles. That's how deer react when they see a threat. Problem is, the momma & the 1st baby aren't the ones that get you, since you see them. It's the 2nd baby, or the buck following the momma during deer season.


I've nailed 2 deer, with my Safari van and Ford Explorer, without whistles. Saw both of them, slowed enough to avoid killing them, but still took hard hits from them. Don't assume you are safe because you can avoid the ones you see; there's usually at least one you can't see, following those on the road or shoulder.


I don't know if they work or not, but they were on my bike when I got it, and any ones I have seen have taken off, most recently on Thursday when we were checking out the Brown County ride. One momma standing in the road coming around a curve, she blasted outta there before we even got close, baby took off the other way.

On the wifes vehicle(s), the only one that's never had them on there got slammed in the side door by a deer one evening coming home out in the country.

I know that's not definitive proof, just my testimony. The way I figure it, it can't hurt, just like having an extra horn or lights on your bike for the cagers to see. Kinda like the headlight modulator thread.


Just my experience,



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As a LEO who has been investigating accidents for nearly 30 years I believe they do not work. Go to any junk yard and you'll probably see many cars with the whistles on the cars. One thing to consider. The idea is to make the deer take off running once they hear the sound. What's to stop them from running from the woods into your path once they hear the whistle?

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Think about it for a minute....


Deer, like just about every other critter - are creatures of habit.


Deer Whistles - a whistle that is supposedly pitched above human range of perception so that it doesn't annoy YOU. But supposedly annoys deer?

Yeah right...


Guess how many deer whistles are currently installed on vehicles? Billions? Maybe not quite THAT many. But it might as well be. There ARE a lot of stupid suckers that buy them.


Now, I'm supposed to believe that some stupid deer is going to be MORE affected by a whistle that I CAN'T hear - that they can, that is probably one of the MOST common sounds they DO hear on a daily basis - and it's going to be a lot more effective than the roaring sounds of my engine - which they are apparently immune to since they hear IT so often? Apparently a LOT of people do - (If you price it HIGH enough...)



Deer whistles are right up there with comfort food, hybrid cars, placebos, recycling, and pablum television programming. All they do is let you think you FEEL better...

(scratch that - there's NO "thinking" involved...)


Psssst!! I've got this bridge in brooklyn I can let go real cheap!


Have you ever actually looked at one of these cheap plastic toys? It's just a cheap plastic freaking whistle for God's sake!! Why - other than fooling you into believing that it's WORTH $35, are they $35 (on average)???


Spend your $35 on a good butcher knife and a road kill tag the next time you hit one...

- and enjoy some very tenderized venison...


Oh, and BTW - Yes, I have one on my bike...

It came on a used left side vent I replaced - I think it looks Cool - that's the ONLY reason I left it on...

Edited by Kandaje
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There were two on my bike when I got it and I haven't hit one yet...not to say I haven't been challenged. But the butter in the fridge works, never had an elephant in there. Of course, I keep the peanuts in the pantry...

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You put a whisle on, can you here it? deer hearing is in the same range as human though more sensitive and if a deer does hear it is he going to run away (or towards it) loud pipes and a loud horn works better. your going to stick your life of something thats iffy at best. you may I won't

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