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What happens when you hit a Deer!


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Well, Bev and I can sure understand where you are right now eddyg. Deer actually scare me more than cars! At least with a car you may have some time to slow a bit before impact.. Those furry things just appear! With all things you have to meausure the risk verses the reward. To me the reward of riding on a country road with my wife on back of the bike is much more reward than the risk. I did think about getting a full face helmet for a short bit though but just cant seem to make the switch.

Glad you survived this one! (ill trade you a bum right arm for your left?)

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It's hard to take...these stories that pop up on here...sometimes one a week...about someone crashing. I've been lucky. Had many close calls...especially last summer when I did a 24 hr ride out to Saskatchewan...rode thru high deer country in the middle of the night...there were a lot of deer...almost hit one that had recently been hit by a trucker and was still laying in the middle of my lane...thank gawd for the many years of riding and the built-in reactions.


Can't say if they really work or not but I have those "deer whistles" on my bike ...


Wishing you a speedy recovery...

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Can't say if they really work or not but I have those "deer whistles" on my bike ...


Wishing you a speedy recovery...



Deer wistles didn't work in my case, I had just installed them right before that ride...


Who knows maybe they attract deer.

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Deer wistles didn't work in my case, I had just installed them right before that ride...


Who knows maybe they attract deer.


ya... how does one ever know if such a thing works or not... the only way you know if it doesn't is not the way you want to find out!


well, coincidence or not, I've had them on all my vehicles for the past 15 or more years and haven't hit a deer... knock on wood! On the other hand, before I started using them I never hit any deer either....????? go figgure

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ya... how does one ever know if such a thing works or not... the only way you know if it doesn't is not the way you want to find out!


well, coincidence or not, I've had them on all my vehicles for the past 15 or more years and haven't hit a deer... knock on wood! On the other hand, before I started using them I never hit any deer either....????? go figgure


LOL your right, I have hit deer in a car without them, and with them. I would probably install them on my next bike too...

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Deer whistles don't work. Feel free to use them and maybe they will work for you. I used to drive Highway 395 between Spokane and Addy Washington. It's truly Deer alley.


Every single day I would either see live deer or dead dear or both. So many times I would drive up on the ambulance to a call and find the car or bike had deer whistles but still hit deer.


Bad thing is deer aren't smart enough to know how to get out of the way. Good thing are whistles are cheap and them might work once. Worth the money in that case.

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I've heard that the Deer whistles do NOT work, but there is available an electronic device for a car or motorcycle that emits a tone within the same decibel range that Deer, hear. The thing is, now, you get into the "fight or flight" scenario. Will the Deer turn and run? Or will the Deer choose to fight........








The last link will fill you in on the effectiveness of Deer whistles.


Ride safe.



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I can only hope that when I hit a deer I am able to come to this site and write about it. I have been thinking about carrying a rifle with me. That should keep the deer outa sight... at least it works during hunting season! :confused24:

Everyone be safe...

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You know, i have never seen as many deer in the road as when Bev and I took the trip to canada. I don't have deer whistles but I found that if I crank up Tina Turner really loud on the speakers, the deer just stand and stare. The human dears do too.:sign Rock On:

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Here is a video of a biker hitting a deer, possibly not what you are expecting.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOkYu04R_kQ]YouTube - Motorcycle hits a deer[/ame]


And another biker vs deer encounter


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6VS6qsLJeY]YouTube - Sturgis 2007 Near Deer Hit! Who is the biker?[/ame]

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Hi all,

I am really a newbe here just a few weeks old, I bought a very nice 84 venture, and Loved it It was the most comfortable Bike I have ever owned.

I just thought I would share this.


Mothers day my wife and I decided to take a late afternoon drive, and about 4 miles from home Bambi's dad decided he wanted to commit suicide and run into my bike.


Attached is a picture before and after the accident. I hope they come out haven't ever attached photos and I had to resize them.


My wife and I have survived, just broken bones, and sore body parts. And one less Venture on the road sad to say.

Ouch Common fear when riding at night in the part of the country where I ride in North Ga. Glad you and wife are OK the bike can be fixed or replaced.
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