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State flags, do you know....

Venturous Randy

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why your state flag looks the way it does? The Tennessee flag has the circle with three stars that represents the three sections of Tennessee. Our state is long and is generally broken down in east, middle and west. Even though we are considered as being in the south, from where I am located in north east Tennessee, I am actually closer to Canada than Memphis.

I think one that stands out to me as being unique(weird?) is Ohio. There is something a little odd looking about that one.


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NC's flag is pretty interesting it has two dates on it. The first May 20,177 for the Mecklenberg Declaration of Independence and the second is April 12 1776 for the Halifax Resolves. Kinda interesting having the history built in.


I think New Mexico is a pretty plain.



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SC was first designed in 1775. Current flag was 1861.

It has the deep blue of the Militia.

Has the Palmetto Tree. Early forts were built with it because it is very resilient & can take a beating.

What looks like a crescent moon is actually part of an early uniform (gorget), a piece to protect the neck/upper chest from getting stabbed.


It is real popular with SC flag wavers.



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Starting at the top of a shield on a dark blue field is the state motto "Forward". Below it is a badger the state animal. A sailor and miner show that the people work on water and land. The shield in the center shows Wisconsin's support for the United States. In four sections surrounding the shield are representations of the states main industries: Agriculture, mining, manufacturing and navigation. The cornucopia and pile of lead represent farm products and minerals. The flag law was amended in 1979 to include the name of the state and the date of statehood.

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(copied from Wikipedia) http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4c/Flag_of_Ohio.svg/244px-Flag_of_Ohio.svg.png

The large blue triangle represents Ohio's hills and valleys, and the stripes represent roads and waterways. The five stripes also represent that Ohio is one of the five states that comprised the Northwest Territory (Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin). The 17 stars symbolize that Ohio was the 17th state admitted to the union. The 13 stars on the left, above, and below the circle are for the 13 original colonies of the United States. The white circle with its red center not only represents the first letter of the state's name, but also its nickname, "the Buckeye State."[/url]

Drawn by John Eisemann, architect and designer for the Ohio State Pan-American Exposition Commission, it is the only American state flag that is non-rectangular, and one of only two non-rectangular official jurisdictional flags, at the state level or above, in the world (the other is the flag of Nepal). Loosely based upon the design of cavalry flags of the Civil War and Spanish-American War, this type of flag is known as a burgee.






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I won't go into the explanation of the Ont. Provincial flag. But have you noticed on this site that the Stars & Stripes and whatever State flag are displayed for the member, they are the same size. But for some of the provinces the provincial flag comes up bigger then the Canadian national flag. Just saying! :confused24:

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ya need some Canadian Provincial flags too!!!!:smile5:


The flag of Saskatchewan features the armorial bearings (coat of arms) in the upper quarter nearest the staff, with the floral emblem, the western red lily, in the fly. The upper green half of the flag represents the northern Saskatchewan forest lands, while the gold lower half symbolizes the southern, prairie wheat-fields. The flag is constructed in the proportions 1:2.

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I won't go into the explanation of the Ont. Provincial flag. But have you noticed on this site that the Stars & Stripes and whatever State flag are displayed for the member, they are the same size. But for some of the provinces the provincial flag comes up bigger then the Canadian national flag. Just saying! :confused24:


Leave it to the Canadians to mess things up......:stickpoke::whistling:

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My home state Alaska was created by a young Alaskan named Benny Benson. The design of a flag was a state wide contest and his design of the Big Dipper on a dark blue background was the winner. The Alaska state flag song is also the state song. When I was a kid we would say the Pledge of Allegiance and sing the Alaska State Flag song every morning before starting classes.



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJeWLMFKwcU]Alaska State Flag Song[/ame]


Ride Happy Ride Safe

Edited by AKRefugee
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Depicted on the shield is a lake with a yellow sun rising over the blue waters. A man is standing on a peninsula with one hand raised in a greeting of friendship and the other hand holding a rifle. An Elk and a Moose support the shield between them and a Bald Eagle grasping an olive branch and arrows in its talons is shown above the shield.

http://www.netstate.com/states/symb/flags/images/mi_fi.gif [ LARGE PRINT [ LARGER PRINT ] [ COLOR ME ] Three mottos are shown on the coat of arms: E Pluribus Unum (From many, one), Tuebor (I will defend), and Si Quaeris Peninsulam Amoenam Circumspice (If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you). These mottos are reflected in the coat of arms pictorially. E Pluribus Unum, also our national motto, aligns with the depiction of the Bald Eagle. Tuebor is represented in the arrows clasped in the eagle's talons and the gun held in the man's left hand. Si Quaeris Peninsulam Amoenam Circumspice is supported by the warmth of the sun, the man's friendly greeting from the peninsula and the olive branches held by the Bald Eagle.

The Bald Eagle represents the United States and the Elk and Moose represent Michigan


Really neat thread Randy!!! :backinmyday:

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Minnesota Flag

Ya sure you betcha.


The Minnesota flag is royal blue with a gold fringe, and has the state seal displayed at its center. The state flower, the Pink-and-white Lady's Slipper, comprises a wreath surrounding the seal. Minnesota was the nineteenth state to join the United States; this is reflected in the flag's nineteen stars, with the largest representing the North Star. The flag also displays the word "Minnesota" as well as the state's motto, L'Étoile du Nord.[9] The flag's current design was adopted in 1957, and has since undergone several proposed, though unsuccessful, revisions.





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