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time to store stella


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well about that time of year for me to put the bike away.


I must say this has been a great year to ride.


I bought the bike from tinker bell. leadwolf56 is her husband. after 1900 miles on the bike I must say I had a good summer and fall. did a poker run for cancer won there 50/50 drawing. kept $200 of my share of that money and gave the rest back to that cancer drive. after I lost my mom, dad and brother to cancer I felt I had to do that.

so today I was looking for a place to store stella when I got an offer to store her in a 6x 10 storage unit for $20 a month. from a person I met on that ride. not a heated garage. but for a fair price I will take it. I would not have found this bike if not for EUSA1 and other here mike helped me make the deal. and for that I am thank full. mike and I had a little issue. but he is a good guy.

and thanks leadwolf56 and tinker bell for a wonder full bike.

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East central Illinois I don't winterize my bikes, there are too many days even in the winter months where the roads are clear and the temps above my minimums to ride.


Me neither, I only put marine stabil in her and ride when I can, I will ride during the daytime in mid 30's

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Me neither, I only put marine stabil in her and ride when I can, I will ride during the daytime in mid 30's


Day Time with temps in mid 30's :rotf:


I have taken my bike to work and I leave the house at 5:00 AM temp at 17* going up I-81 at or above speed limit. Don't know what the wind chill was but it's an eye opener.:rotf::rotf:

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