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Honda Hoot 2008

Al Bates

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Al, i was wondering if you were the guy that convinced me to buy a venture at the country inn in Knoxville last summer.i was there with my wife riding a red Honda saber. the guy i was talking to was riding a black venture and his brother was on a white venture. they were also from Dearborn.if it was you thanks for the info on this website.


John, Yes it was me at the Honda Hoot last year, good to here from you.

How do you like your new RSV? Are you planing on going to the Hoot this year?


Hope to see you at some of the Michigan / Canadian Meets this year.



Huh? Sounds like you're talking to yourself.

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I thought from top post it was in MI.

Knoxville looks like a LOT of city ['city' is a 4 letter word for us].

We ended-up on the KC bypass by mistake last Spring & had to play 'chicken' with rush hour idiots for more than an hour.


Ought to be plenty of stuff outside of city, though.

Would be a good ride from here & it's easy to see from pics that ANY kind of scoot fits in well, even crotch-rockets.


This seems worth checking out, since we're both off work in June.

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Vicki and I have gonne to the Hoot many times. From the Detroit area, Knoxville is about a 12 hour ride, so it's one long day or 2 short days away. We spend a day shopping all the vendors (indoors and outside). You have to pre-register early to go on any of self-guided group rides, no last minute sign-ups allowed. Their rides always include a lunch at an interesting place. And the Smokeys are near enough for a day trip. Smokey Mountain National Park, the Cherahola Parkway, Blue Ridge Parkway...some of the best motorcycle roads in the U.S.A. It's a great way to spend a week. Book a motel early (now), the rooms fill up fast. All the parking lots are full of bikes, and all the bikers are friendly and like to talk. We always have a great time there.

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The mileage looks doable, but laws state we can not travel through Illinois legally.


This causes quite a detour, with an overnight stop. :headache:


Otherwise, it would have only been 675 miles; an all day ride.

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The mileage looks doable, but laws state we can not travel through Illinois legally.


This causes quite a detour, with an overnight stop. :headache:


Otherwise, it would have only been 675 miles; an all day ride.



Okay, I have to bite. Just why can't you travel through Illinois legally? :confused24:


When I go to Kansas, I go through Nashville up to St.Louis, then across Missouri.

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I gotta admit that I'm wondering the same thing! :confused07:


Besides, it's a much better ride to come down 13 through Springfield and 65 through the Ozarks into Arkansas and across to Tennessee. If you prefer highways you can jump on I40 once you get to Arkansas.

Or you can come down through Poplar Bluff and Kennett (proudly proclaimed hometown of Sheryl Crowe!) And cross the Mighty Mississip on I155 and through Jackson to I40.


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Okay, I have to bite. Just why can't you travel through Illinois legally?


Illinois, among some other states, has a 'restriction' that we consider unsafe. Don't want to open that subject up again.


It looks like we could detour below Illinois & come up through Tennessee.

That would be a great ride.

A bit of a 'U' shape, but all the more time on the scoot ....& more to see.


Great timing for us.

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Guest Lone Wolf


We too avoid Illinois until they provide peaceful passage! We ride all the way down to the Missouri Bootheel and then cut over East to TN. Been in the business to long not to be safe as posible! Have a great trip!:detective:

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I know what they are talking about....but not telling............



Well, just looked up Illinois Motorcycle laws.

Basically no different than most states.

No helmet law and modulating headlights are allowed.


So what is Illinois supposedly restricting?


Here is the link to their laws



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I, and a couple of buddies are seriously considering the Hoot this year. It would be my first time, but I hear good reports from friends.

I can't avoid Illinois though! I do live relatively near the border, so it's easy to get out. (when the ice melts!)

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Guest Highway

Hey Al, Grew up lived in k-town. Now in Chattanooga. Go to hoot every year. Know all the good rides and eateries in the area. Let me know a location where you will stay and I will contact you. Wife and I ride all year when poss.

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Don't mean to be rude about why we don't enter in Illinois, but it has nothing to do with scoots....just one of those 'personal' choices some folks tend to make.


No reason for anyone not to ride through the place...... if you don't have a very specific list of places you won't/don't go.

Just better to avoid needless debates.

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