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Crappy Excuse!!!!


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Dispite it being winter time here in Nebraska, our weather last weekend was in the mid 50's. I called Patroman46 to see if he could ride after lunch. I sent him a text just as I was suiting up. He returned my text, indicating the " MANURE" spreader broke down and he could not go. Has any one heard of a " Crappier" excuse???

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I have experience with manure spreaders. They never break down empty.:big-grin-emoticon:


Now several days later & with quite a few stories to tell I find this "crappy excuse post".

We sold a farm last year to cut down on labor & tasks the hired man (ME) has to do. Need more time to ride the scoot around with Phoneman1981. So as the year is winding down & most of the fall chores are completed, my wife volunteers to spread the neighbors manure. (In trade for hay for her cows). Long story short she figures out she can't complete the chore but the hired man (ME) could. Second load (10tons), which might be the biggest load of crap this site has seen, a basketball sized chunk of concrete lodged in the beaters & sheared a keyway on a

1-1/2" shaft. SHAP!!! 2 of my favorite words joined Well that's about the time Phoneman1981 texted. You guessed it, that's how this post got started.

Advance 10 days & 25 stories later I'm back home after a great dove hunting trip in Maricopa, AZ for 5 days with my son, friend of 60+ years & a couple other conservative hunters that tried to out drink us 2 old men. What a job, but somebody had to do it.


By the way I got that load of manure off the spreader after replacing the key on the shaft & digging out the concrete. Still have 20 loads to go. Might have to talk with the "BOSS" about this working for the neighbors & cutting into my scoot time. I might have to quit & move to town in the ALLO apartment.

By the way Phoneman1981 how do these guys know me so well? I see some posts that I resemble.

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