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I must have a Guardian Angel


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I have an Angel watching me because she kept me from getting killed or badly injured today.

Took a ride throught Ohio and Pa with friends. We were heading to Fatboys biker hangout we like to ride to and get lunch when the weather is nice. We made a left turn onto a two lane highway and then approached a road that would be a right turn.

I was looking at the leaves, a pretty girl was smiling at me from a car or I was just taking in the enjoyment of the ride.


Woody activated his right turn signal and I missed it. The next thing I knew I had a Road Star turning in front of me! Life slowed to a crawl. I locked up both wheels in a panic manuver. The Royal Star was sliding back and forth like a snake on a griddle. I knew Woody could see me and I wanted him to just get out of the way. I could see the accident coming.

Woody brought his years of riding experience from somewhere and gunned the Harley out of my way. I watched him hoping for a chance to just slip behind him.

How we missed each other I will never know. I just made it behind him in a crossing pattern.

I am 56 and on heart medication. I wonder if I should even keep riding sometimes.

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Thanks Cal. I was amazed at how the bike slithered like if was on bananna peels. No tire squeal or noise of any kind. I just kept moving my body back and forth to compensate for the slide. Maybe my motocross days kicked in.


This really scared me today and I have been riding for 40 years. Thanks for the kind words.

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It teaches us to pay attention!! If you feel its time for you to quit thats another thing but we all have those moments reguardless of age. When I was 19 I recovered a lot quicker. Now that I've already had my 39th birthday I'm a little slower to recover at times. When I feel I am a danger to others I'll quit. But we all get in tight places once in a while. I'm sure Woody will agree. Now he can talk about how that Big Strong Hardley saved the day!!

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I think it's pretty common for us to become accustom to our bike and lose a little bit of that deep respect that the beast requires. We get side tracked, and it only takes a moment sometimes to bite us in the rear and remind us that we are dealing with a lot of mass and have to keep our heads and eyes up and moving. It's a bit related to age but more, I think, to familiarity and complacence. Young and old we almost all get caught.


As an aside, I know as I get older my reaction times are slowed, so I REALLY try and allow a bit more room for things and try and keep my head far ahead of the bike to give me every advantage.

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Dont give up your scooter yet. I quit riding in 1980. I had 3 close calls in about 2 weeks. I was 26 at the time. I felt if I did not sell the bike my two little boys might not grow up with a daddy. The day I sold it I regretted doing it. Then Aug 29 2005 I gave myself a new 2006 Venture as birthday present for my 51st birthday. It has been great. The best birthday present I ever received. Wish I had done this years sooner. SO THINK ABOUT HIS BEFORE YOU SALE YOUR RIDE. You dont want to regret sellling it. Glad you are ok. Even though I dont know you.

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Glad it worked out for you. As others have said, you hve to stay focused and pay attention 100% of the time. The time you don't is often the time that something happens. Unfortunately, when riding with others, I've found that i too, occasionally let my mind wander...and then suddenly I'm hard on the brakes, wondering what the heck happened. So now I treat group rides just like a solo ride. I'm alone out there and I have to focus...wakes you right up.

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A few years back my son and I were out for a Sunday afternoon ride him following me on his sportster and we came upon a car upside down up in a cornfield and two other vehicles were stopped so I slowed a little untill I saw a person upside down in the car and no one was helping her they were just standing there looking at her so I got on my brakes hard to stop and suddenly I hear tires squeeling and it was my son hitting his breaks trying to avoid hitting me luckily he did miss me.I guess I just acted on instinct without thinking and wanted to stop and help if possible.Sorry to say but it was too late the girl did not survive and what made it worse was she was a good friend of my son.

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