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Crunch....My Fault


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I would like to thank everyone for the coments and well wishes. Emily and I seem to have come out of it unscathed. The insurance adjuster came by this morning and I had no clue that such a small crash could cost so much, it may be declared a total loss I should know by next Friday. If it is totaled I will see if I can buy it back as salvage and I will be in the Market for another RSV if not I will be going out with the list of parts I need to buy.

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I would like to thank everyone for the coments and well wishes. Emily and I seem to have come out of it unscathed. The insurance adjuster came by this morning and I had no clue that such a small crash could cost so much, it may be declared a total loss I should know by next Friday. If it is totaled I will see if I can buy it back as salvage and I will be in the Market for another RSV if not I will be going out with the list of parts I need to buy.


Joe....I hope your Insurance does right by you on this matter!

Boomer....who hopes all turns out OK for all concerned!

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I generaly try to use the truckers 6 second rule. It usually gives you enough time to stop no matter what. Thats not to say I am perfect and follow it everytime without fail just that I usually try to.


truckers use a 6 second rule? That must be counting from the car in front of me!!

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