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Science Fiction: brand new fairing shells

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Hello Venturers!

In the moment it is just science fiction. But i am thinking about new made carbon or glass fiber fairing parts for my Venture. With stronger mounting holes than the original. Especially the two large shells i mean. I have asked a specialist in our company if he could do this for me. But for only one he is not willing to spend his free time shaping a big mold etc.

So, if anyone of you is seriously interested in buying two shells, let me know. And i will ask again what price/each would motivate him to work.

So feel free to say "i would take a pair for less than ?$US incl. shipping".

And if we get some together i will ask again.


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Last I looked used ones in half way decent question were going on eBay for $200+. That's each half.


New ones (when available) are in the neighborhood of $800/half. New ones do have paint and striping, which is worthless when they're not the correct color combination.


I think if he were to provide a product that was near paint ready at $300 including shipping he'd be a very busy man.


I don't know weight wise what they'd be in carbon fiber. I personally would be reluctant to put them on if they weighed much more than the ABS ones.

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This post eally got me to daydreaming. I think it would be very cool to have a 1stGen completely dressed out in carbon fiber. I played around on Google and came up with this LINK to a manufacturer that already makes a few parts for the R6. No one ofs here... but if I had the bucks.... :mo money: :sign woo hoo:

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Talked again with him.

I think we will start playing in some month, when i can ride my V-star. But first our Boss must give his OK to work in his company in the evenings. The shells should be uncoated, so everybody can paint them in his favorite colour.


@Flyinfool: For special wishes the project first must run and work proper. In the moment it is still science fiction. And in the moment i only planned to make the large shells.


@monty: This is surely a important aspect. Intl. shipping could come expensive for those large parts i think. But when we get some together, i am sure we will find a partner in US who will receive one big delivery and ship them nationwide for a extra buck to earn. This must be calculated exactly before we start.


@friesmann1: In the moment i only planned the 1.Gen. If this works, and the quality is as good as it should be (1:1 almost perfect fitting), i think we could think about the 2.Gen. But then we need a 2. Gen. bike.


Will update when i have more informations.


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