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St. Jude, Vogel, Mean Dog Memorial.........


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This is for all those that participated in any of these events, either by attending or making a donation to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.


I have received a large number of items for our participation in Crusin' for St. Jude. Here is a list of what I received. These are not the same design as last years items, they change them yearly, so you wont have a duplicate to last years items if you have them.


I couldn't take a decent picture of the pin, but it is the same design as the logo on the shirt and hat.


12 Hats

20 Pins-----(pin size is 1 3/4 x 3/4)

10 Med. T-Shirts

8 Large T-Shirts

12 X-Large T-Shirts

7 XX-Large T-Shirts

3 XXX-Large T-Shirts


Last year we had an auction to raise funds for St. Jude and we were very successful in doing so. Our Grand total was $3,450.00 and we hope to do better next year. But this year I am going to offer these items up to the folks who helped make this possible.


So if you would like to have one of these items, all I am asking you to do is cover the shipping to get it to you. Thats it, just the shipping charges. I prefer to use USPS Priority mail, it is the easiest and fastest way to get them to you. So if you want a hat or a t-shirt and use pay-pal for making your payment and it is shipping to a domestic address in the U.S. the shipping charge will be $6.00. If you want a pin I will send those by regular mail and that shipping charge will be $1.00.

Shirt or hat to Canada will be slightly higher, $8.00 and the pin will be $2.00.


These will be available on a first come basis. And I would like to limit it to 1 item per person so there will be enough to go around. Thats it folks, we had another great year. If there are any extras left over after the smoke clears I will make them available to everyone, but I dont expect there to be any, I didnt have any left over from last years effort. So dont delay.


My PayPal address is...............partin_guy@yahoo.com


If you would like to use snail mail to pay me, send me a pm and I will give you my mailing address.


Thanks again for all the support VR members give in supporting St. Jude Children's Hospital..................:clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:


Here are the shipping charges again.


U.S. Shipping via USPS priority mail.

Hats and Shirts.............................$6.00

Pins via 1st class mail...................$1.00


Canada shipping...............................

Hats and Shirts..............................$8.00


Edited by DragonRider
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Thanks for all your efforts Lewis, you spend so much of your time planning the events and making things happen, I speak for many when I say we really appreciate it. All the best to you my friend....and no I dont want anything, send it all on to the others, just Thanks


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You are a "special" person. Most groups have a special person who goes that extra mile for everyone else. You seem to out do yourself every year. We thank you for that. I know that the kids thank you (and all members) for what you do. Makes me proud to be associated with a group who supports St. Judes and what they do for the kids.


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Look, I only organize and suggest, it is the rest of you that make this such a success, I am just the idea man, you guys make it possible, it is I who is proud to be associated with such great, generous people, but most of all, all the thanks goes to Don for starting this wonderful group. My thanks goes out to all of you for helping make this the great place it is...:thumbsup:

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No Auction for these, gonna come up with something new as a fundraiser for 2010.

Are you doing the auction again this year?

I am glad so many here support St. Judes. :thumbsup:


I have an automatic payroll deduction setup to St Judes, so I don't forget to send it in every payday.

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Send me $7.00 and I will get them out to you, will you be using PayPal........if so make sure to put your mailing address on it and what it is for, make it easy on me...........PLEASE!!!


hey lewis if its ok for dale and i each to have something.......


he would like a xxl shirt

and I would like a pin

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$3.00 and they will be on their way.............If you use paypal just put you addy on it and what payment is for.


Hi Lewis: No Auction!!!!! Do you know how much money you are saving me and Dianne?:rotf:If I can get a pin each for Dianne and me It would be appreciated. Let me know and I will send the :mo money:
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