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They Can't All be Like This?


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I know some of you ride Wings but I think you "came" from a Venture so I know you aren't like this but it seems lately the Wing riders I come across seem to have a bit of a "chip on their shoulder". For instance, one of the security guards in the building where I work (a very nice lady but...) rides on her hubby's wing with him and have been riding a wing for many years ... anyway, she sure seems to get "snobbish" whenever I start talking motorcycles with her. "Oh, we tried a Yamaha once...it was terrible!" .. "We never ride in groups!" (yet she showed me pics of a few folks they ride with a lot) ... "oh no...we won't do the Ride for Dad charity run... we already gave to charity and there's too many Harley riders there" ... and so on, and so on... Maybe I'm reading it wrong but her tone, body language, and words are sure giving me those "snobby" vibes (btw, she's older 'n me and is about to celebrate her 45th wedding anniv ... good for them!) On top of that, she can't tell the difference between the 1500 style of Wing and the 1800 style. Showed me a pic of their "old" bike that they traded for a "new" one (pic of that too) and according to her, they traded an 1800 for a 1500 but you couldn't tell her that. (she was adamant that the old one is the new one...geeesh now I'm confused LOL)


Well, I'm bored, tired, too warm, and anxious to see the work day end coz starting June 1st, I am off work for an entire month! yyeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh .... (maybe all the above is just my "chit")

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YOU got a whole month off? How? Or are you just doing some time for unpaid speeding tickets and this is your cover story?:no-no-no::whistling:




Actually, I am retiring as of May 31st.


I will be collecting my Canada Pension benefits effective June. But.. who can live on that? ... so I am going back to work July 1st (same place). In reality, it's a technicality in order to qualify for CPP, a person has to STOP working and have no income for at least One month, that being the month they begin receiving CPP benefits. So, that's what I'm doing.


And that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

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Easy SilvrT. It's not just you. I have a Venture (Gen1) a GW. I've noticed the 'snobbishness' some (Not All) Wingers have. I ride for the joy of it. Not for the bragging rights to say "I paid nearly $30K for this baby". I honestly can't say it because I had to buy used. I have found if I pull into a Wing thing on my BASE cheapy model, they (with lotsa chrome&stuff) look at me like I'm an alien from Mars. Not to many GW riders even work on their bike so talking tech with them is out of the question. I know I'm walking both side of the fence here,but from MY point of view, VR riders seem to be a more happy & friendly bunch. Oh yeah, it REALLY makes 'em do a doubletake of the venturerider.org decal on a GW! :stirthepot: :stickpoke:Or maybe they're just jelous VR's have more fun for less $. Who knows? It's their problem, not mine.

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Actually, I am retiring as of May 31st.


I will be collecting my Canada Pension benefits effective June. But.. who can live on that? ... so I am going back to work July 1st (same place). In reality, it's a technicality in order to qualify for CPP, a person has to STOP working and have no income for at least One month, that being the month they begin receiving CPP benefits. So, that's what I'm doing.


And that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Rub it IN :thumbsup2:


I dont see any of that attitude down here. I get waves fro almost everyone Wing HDs and even rice rockets( I think i fool them head on as one myself:hihi:)

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Actually, I am retiring as of May 31st.


I will be collecting my Canada Pension benefits effective June. But.. who can live on that? ... so I am going back to work July 1st (same place). In reality, it's a technicality in order to qualify for CPP, a person has to STOP working and have no income for at least One month, that being the month they begin receiving CPP benefits. So, that's what I'm doing.


And that's my story and I'm sticking to it!



This accident may put me into the retirement thing but I won't get to go back!!


Might have to do a little something but NO MORE CONVICTS!!! The next person that cusses me I CAN PUNCH.

No , that would seem too much like work!!:confused24:

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It's not the wing yamaha thing she just doesn't like you.:stirthepot:


heh... I've been at this location/job for 3 years and she's been there for 7 .... it's only been within the last year that we even started speaking to each other and that was business related. I've always found her to be "unapproachable" when ya don't "know" her.


oh well.. to each their own ... aside from the "Wing" attitude, she seems like a nice person.

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All of the guys I know either ride a wing or a hardley - I just thought that it was common knowledge that there are only 2 motorcycles out there - GoldWings and Harleys, everything else is just one of those OTHER bikes.


Well, I gotta tell you - my first street bike was a Wing and there were 6 more to follow that. Not because I especially liked them but because that's who I rode with. After I quit riding and sold my last bike I happened upon a long time friend that I hadn't seen for quite a while. He rides an RSTD, my wife got better, I started buying bikes again.


I ended up with a 2007 Venture and my wife as well as me agree that our Venture rides better than any of the wings we had. The last wing was a 1998 1500.


I do find in my area that MOST everybody I meet on the highway or even the county roads we ride are friendly and do wave.

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I live and ride in NW AR, and we get a new group of bikes in the area every week. There does seem to be a difference in attatude but when you talk to a few of them you find out that only a few of them acually have an attitude problem. My best friend rides a wing and he's one of the best people you will ever meet. For a long time I thought the HD riders were snobs, but if you have ever experienced the HD death wobble you understand why some of them don't dare turn loose of the grips.

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I've found with couples that ride, especially HD and Wings, it's the person on the back that usually has their nose the highest.. Go figure..


Let me fix that.. not all couple are snobby.. just out of the ones that are..

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If you look, you will find someone with "attitude" in every group. I thought I wanted a Wing or a Harley, but couldn't afford it, so I bought an '86 VR over 2 years ago to jump start my second life on two wheels. I then started riding with Star 242 in Central Illinois, but quickly also joined Chapter Z of the gold Wing club in the same area. I have felt the same exact kindness and welcome from both groups.


Heck, this week, I went to a Wing evening ride, and after suggesting a path to our destination, I was asked to lead the group. Now that was a large charge,me on my 23 YO Yamaha leading a group of mostly brand new Wings. And nobody complained and they complemented me. They are just glad to have me along, and I am glad to have them as friends.


I have also gone on rides with a local BMW group, and THEY were all nice and interested in my bike, as I was in their big BMW touring bikes (a few rode smaller dual purpose bikes).


Have been on rides with the Patriot Guard where it is 95% Harley, and me and the Wing/Kawasaki/etc bikes were all accepted.


I think your personal attitude may have something to do with it. if you approach a group expecting to be put down, you may find the person that will do it. Go in with a friendly attitude and you will probably get that back.


But there are different types of sub groups all over, and if you don't feel welcome in one, don't condemn the entire group, find another that you mesh with. There are plenty of clubs and groups to choose from, even in corn country!

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You will find that attitude everywhere. Don't know why but in my opinion 90 per cent of the human race should have been thrown out with the afterbirth.

I am real good at turning the wave into a one finger wave.

Let them ride the way they want on whatever they want. I have shocked some by stopping to help. Favorite story was bunch of Hardley riders and Hardley had died. It was not charging. After checking they started talking about calling (before cell phones) someone to load it up and haul it home. i pulled out my little set of jumper cables made of a extension cord I used to keep on the bike, charged his battery for a few minutes gave them the cables, told them to leave the lights off and charge it again if it quit and go home. They couldn't believe it.

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Good thing you are going back to work after you retire. What I, and most of the retired people I know, have found is that after you retire you get so darn busy that you don't know how you ever found time to go to work. At least this way you are guaranteed days off.

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I have to say that I've never had any issues with the PGR group I ride with. 20 years ago I rode a Wing but never affiliated with any groups. After a 17 year leave from riding (Doing the Father thing) I started back on an '89 Venture. I loved the bike and got involved with the PGR. Over the past 4 years I have never seen anyone put down for what they rode with that group. I think the difference is that with a group like PGR you have patriots who are there for something other thnan a social event. If they ride they tend to be what I would consider "bikers". They love the ride and have a kindred spirit with anyone who understands that. It doesn't matter what you ride, just that you do.


The issue I've seen with some of these other groups that revolve around the type of machine you have is that they seem to be social groups that just happen to ride. They really don't understand. Many of them are lucky to put 1000 miles on their bikes in any given year. I personally have very little time for these types and have no problem just walking away from the "conversation" because it rarely involves the ride or the bikes other than their "bling".


I would like to say thank you to every person in this group. Unlike so many others, you all understand. I can't tell you how refreshing that is. That's why I've stayed for the past few years and why I will continue to support this group.

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I ride a Goldwing and a Venture and I am a snob. I wave at lots of bikes, but I'm still a snob.


Why is it that we like bikes that are going the opposite direction than us, but not those guys that are going the same way we are.

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