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Posts posted by Flyinfool

  1. I have a few mowing rules.

    1. I hate mowing.

    2. I will always be the last person on the block to mow for the first time in spring, and NEVER before May.

    3. I hate mowing.

    4. I will always be the first person on the block to mow for the last time in fall, and NEVER after September.

    5. I hate mowing

    6. I NEVER fertilize, that only makes for more mowing.

    7. I hate mowing.

    8. Drought and that lovely shade of brown that grass gets to is a good thing, I NEVER water, that promotes mowing.

    9. I hate mowing.

    10. NEVER EVER will I mow twice in the same week, never for any reason.


    Did I ever mention that I hate mowing?


    And then there is that @cowpuc character that like to poke the bear, thinks that no one can read thru things like s&*w that he is realy trying to say SNOW.


    WI White Washer.gif

    Snow Ball.gif

    • Haha 2
  2. A replacement copper washer is also pretty cheap.

    That bottom hole is the drain plug for the transmission. Oil is supposed to come out if you remove it. For normal oil changes the transmission does not trap enough oil to matter so it is not worth the effort to pull that plug. the only time you would want to make the effort of draining the trans if if you are dealing with a contaminated oil issue like gas or coolant in the oil where you want to drain every drop possible.

    Anneal or get a new washer and slap it back together and your good to go.

  3. Using the solder splices you need to make sure that you are heating the solder to the correct temperature, to hot or to cold and the solder will melt but made a weak connection that may fail. It is very difficult to tell by looking at it if you have a good connection while it is very easy to end up with a poor connection.

    When making high reliability wire connection for critical equipment, solder is not the preferred option, Crimped or welded is the preferred method. Welded is not an option for 99.9% of us. I have had the best results using the crimp but splices that have the adhesive lined heat shrink tubing on them. You can buy them at any Auto Zone and probably most other auto parts stores. The crimp on adhesive lined shrink tube splices, and terminals are all I use anymore for terminating wires. A proper crimp is more reliable than a proper solder joint in a vibration environment.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. Puc, Puc, Puc, Puc, Puc!! Some people just never learn. Do you really think I can not read right through the term "S%$w" or any other of its derivatives???? You silly boy you.:stirthepot: :witch_brew:

    That vid you posted was just a LIGHT DUSTING of the glorious white SNOW. I have plans for you......



    Snow Ball.gif

  5. Another thing that I have come to miss is the post numbers. Having the posts numbered makes it easy to reference someone back to a specific spot in a very long post. Especially useful when someone asks a question that was answered in the middle of a 100+ long thread.

  6. 4 hours ago, cowpuc said:

    If I start listing lop eared club members who I should be ignoring it wont be long and I will only have me to talk to so I obviously wont be using this feature. Since that decision has been made @Freebird,, do I get a 2% discount on my $1 a month club dues for not using that feature?  Tell ya what brother,, give me back my little "pot stirring varmint" icon that endeared itself to me and we'll be square on the 2% LOL.  You know,, rethinking this whole subject,, maybe I will use that ignore thingy,, maybe if I click on ignore @Flyinfool I will end up with a s*&wless winter.  Forget I wrote any of the above Don,, I am gonna try something!!

    Dem der is fightin words.....

    Puc just loves to play wit fire.


    Snow Plow.gif

    WI White Washer.gif

    • Haha 1
  7. Technically Air Force One is any Air Force aircraft that the president is on board. There is no aircraft that has the specific name of Air Force 1 When the president gets onto the helicopter on the front lawn it is a Marine Aircraft so it carries the designation Marine One. If he were on a Navy or Army aircraft it would be Navy One or Army One. This way air traffic control knows that this flight has the president on board and has top priority over almost anything else in the air. If the President were to go for a ride in an Air Force owned little 2 place Trainer Cessna, It would carry the designation of Air Force One for as long as the president was on board.

    The Plane that we normally consider as Air Force One that the president normally uses is one of two Boeing 747s. The plane that took off from Muskegon airport was not a 747. They may have used a smaller aircraft to better handle the smaller airport. Although the presidential 747 can take off and land at much smaller airports than a stock 747, its size and weight can also damage the runways of a smaller airport.

    • Thanks 2
  8. Hi Pops and Nana, Welcome to the funny farm.......


    Yea before you start major exploratory surgery, I would do some testing to figure out where the white puff came from.

    How much is a puff? Mine gave a white puff every time I started it for 12 years. Never went low on oil or coolant. I just figured it was condensation in the exhaust pipes.

    IF it is a head gasket blown from the water jacket to the cylinder,,,, 1. that is very rare, not unheard of, but very rare. 2. usually if it's that failure, when you start it up cold with the radiator cap off there usually will be bubbles in the radiator as the cylinder pressure gets pushed in.


    Also if it is leaking into the cylinder, be VERY careful to not hydro lock the engine or you will be replacing it very soon.


    Check your oil for any signs of water, Check the coolant for any signs of oil.


    As Puc said, one really clean plug usually indicates coolant leaking into that cylinder.


    And now we head down the rabbit hole..........

    IF you have to pull the heads, look for a complete set of V-Max heads, they will give a lot more power and significantly raise the red line.

    Preferably if you can also get the carbs and V-Boost system.

    As Puc mentioned, check to be sure you have the metal water pump impeller, The plastic one will die of old age, miles are irrelevant.

    Check the stator to be sure it has the cooling upgrade with the hollow stator bolt and the wiggly wire in the end of it. It does a lot to help keep the stator from burning up.


    Dang, I been talking to Puc to much, Now I am getting long winded to........

  9. It seems we have had a rash of ladders across the rod around here. The local traffic reports keep mentioning them. Ladders can be real hard to get around and a hard stop on the interstate is usually not a good outcome either because a bike can out stop a car ot truck, especially if the driver behind you is not paying attention.


    Keep your following distance so that you have time to react to whatever appears out from under the vehicle in front of you. A car or truck can easily stradel something that will take you out.

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