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Getting Up Slowly


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July 24, 4pm, I got distracted looking at the scenery. At about 50 mph I came up behind a car stopped for a left turner way too late, locked up both wheels on my 03 Midnight Venture, and was able to slow to about 35 mph before deciding to take the (very soft) berm on the right. Witnesses said the bike flipped 4 times in the air, landing on its left side, while I plowed shoulder first into the dirt. I remember seeing the bike in the air over me, and feeling relieved that it missed me--you know how everything goes into slow motion. A state trooper gave me a ticket for "lane control failure" in the ER.

I'm home from the hospital, but still on oxygen because it hurts too much to get a deep breath. I have a broken collar bone, a broken rib, three broken cervical vertabrae, massive bruising, and a dead right arm. They say my arm will probably return, but it may take up to 2 years. My Shoei helmet absolutely saved me. The dealer has the bike and says it is probably totalled, but won't know for sure until later this week.


I've been riding for 45 years, and would not have believed you could get this much damage at that speed, without hitting anything but soft dirt. This was entirely my fault, and I consider myself very lucky.


Now I need some advice. I've never filed a damage claim in all my 59 years. I suspect the insurance company will be looking out for their own interests, but what should I do to protect mine?


Thanks in advance,

Ken Stewart

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Hi Ken,

First off, I am glad to hear you came thru you accident with as little personal damage as you did. That being said, I can't tell you how many times I have been distracted by the things passing by while I have been riding. Sometimes I think Jean (wife) has the better end of the deal being the co-pilot. My suggestion would be to rest now and get well. You'll have plenty of time to fight with your Ins. company over what the bike is worth when you are feeling better. It's not like you are going to be back in the saddle in a week...or month for that matter. Rest up, and by the time you deal with the Ins. company after being cooped up in the house for a few weeks I'm SURE you will be fired up enough to deal with them! :soapbox:

Get well soon,

Earl and Jean

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WOW:yikes: What a tale to tell. Sure glad yer around to tell it. I go along with skydoc... get well. Neither you nor the scoot is going anywhere for awhile. Then, when you feel better, have a talk with an attorney. He should be able to give you the legal ramifications of all that's happened and that could happen and some options.

First, get well!

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Your very fortunate that you are still with us. Just a reminder of the lack of forgiveness that these iron horses afford us. Also a reminder that no matter how long a person rides and the skill that goes along with that, just one lapse of concentration can get us in real hot water. Glad you are still around to tell the tale. Get well!

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Doesn't sound like you came through it in the greatest condition but...at least you are here to tell us about it. I'm truly sorry that it happened and hope that things heal as they should.


I think that what happened to you can happen to most all of us at some time or another. It's easy to swept up in the scenery and etc. and only takes a couple of seconds for that to turn into a bad thing. Thanks for the reminder.

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Glad to hear you got through that one Ken. Sorry to hear about your accident but it sounds like in time you will heal ok and in the meantime just take it slow.

Bikes can be replaced and the ins. co will probably try to low ball you just stick to your guns.


Take it easy brother and stay on the mend.

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Welcome to the "Downed Riders Club". You sound as banged up as I am Bro. I crashed on the 26th Of July but it seems like only yesterday on the pain level.


Your Insurance Adjuster should be contacting you shortly after you notify the Company of the mishap. If you are lucky you will have one that is fair and has a modicum of compassion for your plight. Because there were no other vehicles involved you will be on your own in dealing with your Insurance Company. Just because the bike was airborne does not mean additional damage was done. Let the Dealer and Adjuster survey the damage and see what conclusion they come to.




Don't rush it on the bike....Your healing process will take some time and that should be your highest priority.


Godspeed and heal well.........Boomer

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Glad you weren't hurt any worse. Sounds bad enough. Don't back up from Insurance Company. They are Tricky S. O. B.s. I dealt with SENTRY INSURANCE and the "LADY" was very lucky she was on the other end of a phone line. Never did meet one of the Lowlifes in person. Guy that hit me is telling story and laughing about it. Not all Insurance Companies are like this hope you don't have them.

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Guest Boomerbiker

Happy to see you're on the mend. My bike was totaled on the Parkway in November of '06 as the result of a cager pulling back into traffic from the opposite shoulder. I scrubbed some speed before being dumped. The driver told the park police he didn't see my blazing headlight and passing lamps as I rounded the curve. I guess he was visually challenged. Anyway, the insurer took one look at the accident report, issued me a check for more than I paid for the unit 4 months earlier and I bought a new '06 a month later. I have Auto-Owners and they have always been good to me. Cover all my house and vehicles.


All the best to you in your recovery.

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I can't imagine how you feel even though I also wrecked last year. I seperated my shoulder and tore the ACL in my knee. Shoulder needs a 2nd surgery. Hope the healing process goes switly and well for you. I send my best wishes and prayers for a complete recovery.

As to the insurance question, don't know what insurance you have but I have State Farm and considering I was also deemed at fault by the cops (but not cited) the insurance was very good to me. I took the bike to the local dealer who gave me an estimate for repair. Insurance company totaled the bike and paid me right away. They even paid for the estimate. I was so afraid they would cancel on me but they quickly insured my new Goldwing and didn't raise my rates. By the way, another biker pulled out in front of me and I hit him, but his buddies told the cops he didn't pull out in front of me. He also had State Farm insurance.

I wouldn't worry too much about getting screwed by the insurance. Just get well first ! But when you do deal with them don't forget to include all your accessories and go by MSRP on the bike, not what you paid. Good luck !!!

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