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HOLD ON GUYS.....! I have to get my popcorn out of the microwave.........................................................................................................................................................ok, continue with the bantering and character assaults...p.s. saddlebum, see what you started....!!!!

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Ok amusement park kicked my butt yesterday. Got home and passed out but my daughter and grandbaby had a blast. Now to answer the questions posed


Before you can even begin to make us proud....:backinmyday:......You need to

A - Prove you have a pension for food :icon_lurker:

I consider myself a bit of a amature gourmet chef. Have smoker and grill will travel. In the kitchen I can work wonders. Wife and I have 4 kids, I didn't marry her for her cooking ability. Don't let my current weight of 190 fool you. I have lost over 70 lbs since sept 9 of last year.


B- Prove you have the minimum required loose screws between the ears :banana:

first I am a US Marine combat vet. My last hobby was racing 80 hp karts on dirt oval with no suspension with your butt literally 1 inch off the ground with no roll cage. Also here is a brief video of my work office (grr will try to post the video as an attachment below)

C - Are more than capable to wade through cowpuc's writings :starz:

From my studies so far Cowpuc is one of my heros and very knolagable

D - Survive Marcarl's speechifying :soapbox:

Passion on subjects is great. I have been told on facebook to stfu because my replies to comments resemble college dissertations


C - Respect the fact (Officially proven by Video) that saddlebum is the VR number one champion hugger :bighug::rasberry:


D - Honur the club national anthem HOTEL CALIFORNIA.:guitarist 2::fiddle:

My kids, all 4 of them could sing the song to instrumental by age 5 on key. I also know why they have not had that spirit here since 1969


F - Willingly pledge you allegiance to ice cream :essen_024::fnd_(16)::essen_018:

Store bought or home made? Who does not love cream of ice. The question is with or without nuts


Oh yeh almost forgot Like BIG TOM Love Canadians :canada::confused24:

Grandmama was born and raised in Jamaica. 4 of her brothers and 2 sisters wanted a change from the beach and sun and resettled in Ontario area. I try to make the family reunions north of the boarder every few years. Love the nature and fishing up there and can picture a venture eating up the forested roads near the family cabins

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Grrr can not load the video from my phone for some reason. To support that I have a screw loose I am a union carpenter who specializes in building scaffold. The video shows the view from about 220 ft in the air standing on a 2 inch pipe. And no I do not usually harness off because tieing off tends to pull you off balance. I have fallen 3 times in the past 20 years and all 3 times because a hooked lanyard pulled me off balance.

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Welcome, Wrecit!


If any early problems deciphering what these Varmints are saying are experienced, our services as a Retired Journalist are available upon request - at no charge. You'll pick it up quick enough, so hang in there.


Btw: Time Limit for requesting your money back already expired...~




Here in Pittsburgh, pa we actually shorten varmints down to Jagoff. It essentially means the same thing (goofballs that we love lol)

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Are you say'n There was a time frame which allowed me to ask for money back :mo money:.....


Freebird never disclosed that part of the deal. :ignore:


Man wished I had known now I'm stuck here for another year :yikes:


with the rest of you :banana:'s.....:bang head:




HOLD ON GUYS.....! I have to get my popcorn out of the microwave.........................................................................................................................................................ok, continue with the bantering and character assaults...p.s. saddlebum, see what you started....!!!!


Back when I was a young Puc I delivered the Sunday Chronicle for a living.. It was actually a fairly lucrative business enterprise and I long surmised the reason for this being was largely due to the Funny Paper cartoon section of that Sunday paper.. At that time in the mid 60's, the Sunday Paper was 25 cents and daily was a dime. Bottom line, for $1 a month a person got his/her weekly dose of laughter needs fulfilled. Today, that same Funny Paper is $2 a week (last time I checked = WOWZY WOW WOW WOW, those young modern newsies much be really scoring big these days :thumbsup:) or, $8 bucks a month for a modern day Sunday funny hunter..

Personally,, I LOVE this new style of comics with real people making for laughter instead of stick people like Snuffy Smith, Bumstead or,, oopss,, my mind went blank,, who was that Army charactor?,, always in trouble with the Sargent,, cant recall,, lop eared geezer memory varmints causing the reader to fall to pieces in laughter. Anyway,, my point is,,,, for a price equal to the cost of a weekly dose of laughter in the 60's = I think Mr. Nelson's VentureRider.org with real life cartoon characters is the best deal going so I wouldn't take my $1 a month back even if the lop eared Bossman varmint who runs this cyber space program begged me too:hurts:!! :dancefool::dancefool:

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Grrr can not load the video from my phone for some reason. To support that I have a screw loose I am a union carpenter who specializes in building scaffold. The video shows the view from about 220 ft in the air standing on a 2 inch pipe. And no I do not usually harness off because tieing off tends to pull you off balance. I have fallen 3 times in the past 20 years and all 3 times because a hooked lanyard pulled me off balance.


I load em to YouTube and then copy/paste the URL into the body of the post here on the site.. If you do that the Video will pop up in the post and not appear as a link.. Kind of like this:



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Back when I was a young Puc I delivered the Sunday Chronicle for a living.. It was actually a fairly lucrative business enterprise and I long surmised the reason for this being was largely due to the Funny Paper cartoon section of that Sunday paper.. At that time in the mid 60's, the Sunday Paper was 25 cents and daily was a dime. Bottom line, for $1 a month a person got his/her weekly dose of laughter needs fulfilled. Today, that same Funny Paper is $2 a week (last time I checked = WOWZY WOW WOW WOW, those young modern newsies much be really scoring big these days :thumbsup:) or, $8 bucks a month for a modern day Sunday funny hunter..

Personally,, I LOVE this new style of comics with real people making for laughter instead of stick people like Snuffy Smith, Bumstead or,, oopss,, my mind went blank,, who was that Army charactor?,, always in trouble with the Sargent,, cant recall,, lop eared geezer memory varmints causing the reader to fall to pieces in laughter. Anyway,, my point is,,,, for a price equal to the cost of a weekly dose of laughter in the 60's = I think Mr. Nelson's VentureRider.org with real life cartoon characters is the best deal going so I wouldn't take my $1 a month back even if the lop eared Bossman varmint who runs this cyber space program begged me too:hurts:!! :dancefool::dancefool:



Yep! The bar is a little old but, hard to beat!

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Personally,, I LOVE this new style of comics with real people making for laughter instead of stick people like Snuffy Smith, Bumstead or,, oopss,, my mind went blank,, who was that Army charactor?,, always in trouble with the Sargent,, cant recall,,


Beetle Bailey.

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