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torn rotator cuff


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well I been having pain in my right shoulder for over a month.

I lifted a kz 1000 up off the ground. I knew something was wrong but just thought I pulled something?


well after a few doctors visits and some PT it just was not getting any better


so I had a MRI done and I have 2 tendons that are torn and part of the bicep?


so I'm going in for surgery about the end of july. to repair the damage


has any one had this done? and how long before you healed enough to ride?


I am trying to get in as much time as I can on the bike

but weather and health has not been kind to me this year so far


total miles on the bike this year is just short of 1100 miles.


bike runs darn good and I need time to ride.


good thing is if I am out for a while I can catch up on a little maintenance on her


new plugs as she now has 7500 on the old ones. oil change is due in another 1100 miles

a good clean up and recharge the air filter. just don't know how long this shoulder will take to fully heal?


could use some info on how others have dealt with this?


many thanks

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Goat, aint never had rotator cuff surgery but back in the MX track riding days I had a few buddies end up having to have it done. Know from that experience that because of the low blood flow to that area it takes a while to heal properly - if memory serves, 3 months is not uncommon.. It also seems like doing the physical therapy is a huge help.. Perhaps if we got someone like @Barrycuda involved in this conversation he could shed some light on the subject,, hey Bar - what say you?

If Barry is not wanting to give a professional opinion (sometimes Dr.'s like Barry have to be careful about giving internet opinions), perhaps asking around at our local Sports Medicine/Physical Therapy shop will reveal some interesting facts as I am pretty sure that rotator cuff injuries are not that uncommon in Baseball and Football.. Just some thoughts!

Either way, my thoughts and Prayers Up brother - hope you get the results your looking for!!:thumbsup:

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About 3 or 4 years ago, I was changing a tire on my F150. I was using a pull handle and socket on the lug nuts. And like a dummy, I was pulling up rather than rotate the handle and push down using my weight. Anyhow, I pulled my arm out of my shoulder socket. It popped back in by itself but it hurt like crazy. I don't know what damage was done because I didn't go to the doctor. But, it hurt and I had limited use of that arm for a good while. I moved it as much as possible every day and as soon as i could I started doing pullovers on my Total Gym. It healed up nicely by itself and now I have full use of the arm without any after effects. I'm still doing pullovers and other exercises 3 times a week. It took probably a year for it to completely heal so there was no after effects at all.

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I had mine done April 25. Right shoulder and I am right handed. Badly torn rotator cuff, one tendon of bicep, 2 bone spurs and a little arthritis. First 2 weeks is pretty rough. First week arm in sling, but start doing exercises with rope and pulley for recovery of range of motion day one, 6 or more times a day . Absolutely no lifting anything heavier than a toothbrush first couple of weeks. Took about 2 weeks for my full range of motion to come back. The key is to do what the Dr tells you, he told me if the rope exercises hurt take more pain pills. You do not want to end up with lock shoulders. Soreness lasted about 3 weeks then starts to ease off. Been 2 months and still probably another month before I even think about riding again. Be real careful trying to pick up anything of weight. You will know when you do.


I would not even try working on the bike unless it's on a stand and you are not using that arm to lift, push or pull on anything.

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I have had 3 shoulder surgeries after a serious injury 16 years earlier. My specialist stated that I had some of the worst damage that he had seen on a "functioning person". When I was injured they did not do arthroscopic surgeries, they did the "cut-n-dice" which would have been 1-2 years of recovery and therapy. With 2 young babies, I could not do it back then.


Due to the time between the injury and surgery, I had issues with seized tendons and scar tissue. The first surgery on my right shoulder went well. So well that I scheduled my left for 5months later. BIG mistake. I later found out that you need about 6 months for the "good" scar tissue to form in the healing process. This helps pull together and support the repairs/weak areas. then you need another 6 months of continued healing and therapy to "build" and keep the "bad" scar tissue from taking over in the wrong places. I had my left should done 5 1/2 months after my right and promptly "blew" out my right while babying and recovering from my left. I wish I had waiting at least a year.


I waited 2 years before going back and seeing what we could do to repair my right. The only "temp" fix was a partial new shoulder.


I couldn't ride my BMWK1200LT for 6-8 months. Even my KLR650 was a little too much at first.


I then waited and was only able to ride my TW200. This video was after my surgery. You can hear the guys talking about my shoulder since they couldn't make it up the hill which was way more challenging then it looks like from the bottom. #1 rule is LISTEN to your doctor !! Do you therapy and continue to do your therapy ! good luck !


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Rotator cuff surgery is a walk in the park. Takes an hour or two and you're asleep. No problema!

Mine was very complex involvīng the whole nine yards...cuff, several tenons, including bicep, bone spurs, bursa. But still it was no problem... I was asleep.


Recovery and PT is quite a different subject altogether. Mine sucked really bad. But at least being female it was OK to scream and cry which I did a LOT! Recovery is different for each person. I know a few folks who've had it and about half said it wasn't that bad and the other half agree that it's pretty much just plain...horrible.


My main recovery took about 4 months. I now have nearly complete "Range of Motion". Significantly more range than most in my age group, but it was a long time coming... perhaps a year.


I wish you the best of luck and hope you're in the first half.


Heather (You can just call me Cry Baby on this one)




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Since cowpuc sent me the B symbol in the sky, I feel as if I should at least acknowledge. Some of the previous posts are correct when they say do your therapy, don't jump the gun etc. RTC surgery isn't really all that spooky, it's common practice now a days. Key is to get a surgeon who specializes in those surgeries rather than the General ortho surgeon. Once that's out of the way, immediately, get a script to physical therapy and by hook or crook, get yourself there. Depending on the medical history, tolerance level and will power of the patient makes the healing better/worse. Protocols vary, but stay relatively within a ballpark. No external rotation for first 6 weeks. First 2 weeks pendulum exercises and gentle range of motion by therapist. If you eat well, follow the therapy, don't get over zealous, you could get your self feeling prior level of function within 4-6 months. I would advise you do not do anything foolish, too soon to ruin the sewn tendons. Again, YMMV based on age, health, type of damage, surgery, protocols etc.

hope that helps....

PS: do your therapy, never skip a visit, do what you have been told to do by Doctor...

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I tore mine 15yrs ago. They wanted to operate but being self employed I put it off. I am rite handed and it was my left shoulder. Never had it operated on, I just "baby" it as much as possible. Most times I dont have much pain unless I do something foolish and aggravate it. It has limited some things, but unless the pain got alot worse I doubt I would ever get it operated on. I dont know how our level of damage compares, you may have a major tear, while mine is not quite as bad, but 2 surgeons recommended operating and I chose not to.

Good luck with your decision. Craig

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I go in on the 18th

I have 2 tendons that are torn and one is separated from the bone?

other one is by the upper shoulder clav something?

also while there in there.. there is some bone spurs and calcium deposits and a lose piece of bone or something rubbing the bursa sack?

he will start out with arthroscopic but said if it is any worse then I will have open shoulder surgery? he said the out look of doing any motorcycle rides the rest of this year is a big NO!!!

I got the rootbeer run in now I will need to get the bike in storage mode. full tank of gas some stable in it. get the battery out and put it on a tender. man this sucks. as for PT I am very much a stickler on that. also hope that, he can fix the numbness in my middle and ring finger on that hand? this started after the shoulder injury. looks like a long summer and fall ahead of me till next spring darn it all.

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  • 1 month later...

well I had the surgery on the right shoulder

they found one bicep tendon so badly torn they could not repair it.

had to shave the clav bone a 1/4 inch

repaired 2 tears to the rotator cuff

shave bone spurs from the socket.

remove the bursa sack?

I wont lie I am in pain

pain meds help some.

but the arm is hard to move had PT since day 5

as I had a bad reaction in the recovery room had bad chest pains and could not catch my breath.

was given nitro and sent into the ICU for 3 days

heart turned out to be ok. thank god.

I try hard to do the PT and let them move the arm as much as they can.

have to call the doctor every week for pain meds as they can only do 30 pills at a time something to do with a narco law?

I have a polar ice machine that I place ice and water in then place a shoulder cuff on and it will ice down the shoulder

doctor said no lifting and keep that arm in the sling for 4 weeks only take it out to do exercise and shower. don't even lift a cup of coffee with it.

told me see him in a month to check how far range of motion is. I am ot sure but I think the PT person pulled or tore a inside stich?

I have a small bulge in my bicep area.? he said it,s just the bicep tendon piece that was cut and left to heal on it,s own as it can not be attached to the bone?

I will ask my doctor about that. I know my summer runs are over this year. but lets see how this shoulder turns out. hate it when it is your main arm.

thank every one for your info on how you dealt with yours

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I feel for you brother. I had a rough rotator cuff surgery in 2010. Seven stainless steel anchors now holding bicep tendon and others along with bone spurs, bursa...the whole nine yards. PT was horrible. It was about 5 months before I was really back to work.


I took control of my PT and quit letting the therapist completely run the show. I had my Dr order PT 5 days a week and then I went for baby steps and not trying to make progress at anyone's pace but mine. Fortunately, Tricare paid it.


Therapists like to push because it's good for their reputation. But just like a lawyer, the therapist and Dr work for you and not the other way around.


My recovery was quite lengthy but within about a year I regained almost 100% range of motion.


It was difficult and painful but eventually it became water under the bridge.




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