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With drivers like this one, it's no wonder it's scary to ride a M/C


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Not surprized at all with this one. Spent time in the Richmond area of Vancouver last year and there are more brainless rich kids with expensive sports car than anywere I have ever been before. They are just clueless and spoiled. Would not be surprized if daddy bought him a new one the same day!:bang head:

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WOWZY,, go back to the vid and stop at :08 and take a peek at the right front wheel and also notice the rear left is off the ground - got a MAJOR problem happening.. Almost looks like this may have been an "I stole this thing and have to get it hidden NOW before I get busted" routine.... INSANE

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Not surprized at all with this one. Spent time in the Richmond area of Vancouver last year and there are more brainless rich kids with expensive sports car than anywere I have ever been before. They are just clueless and spoiled. Would not be surprized if daddy bought him a new one the same day!:bang head:


You're right on the mark! I work downtown Vancouver and the other day I was walking down the street on my lunch break and noticed a beautiful white exotic sports car had just parked at the curb. I stopped to take a better look and out of the passenger side comes a young Asian girl (maybe 20) so I think "hmmmm wonder who's driving" and then a young Asian male (also maybe 20) gets out of the driver side....


Now, there's only a couple ways a kid that young can get a car like that... a) his parents bought it for him, b) He's into dealing drugs or some other criminal activity ... (or both)


This city has an unbelievable high rate of foreign investment and particularly in real estate. They buy up properties like crazy and leave them unoccupied or they send their kids over to live in them and play. They buy them expensive cars, give them all the money they want, and set them up with some business that is a front for other kinds of dealings. Heck, they even get their driver's license bought for them somehow.


On any given day you'll see more exotic sports cars, luxury cars, high end SUV's and tricked out domestic sports cars than pretty much anywhere else.


Here's a pic of the car I was referring to.... (from the Ferrari website)



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