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ABS Glue??

Yammer Dan

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Most of us use ABS pipe glue for some repairs. My question is How can you save this stuff once you open the can. Seems if you use just a little but open it a few times next time you try to use it it is ruined even if you are very careful to seal it up good. Shame to have to toss it and you can't depend on having it on shelf when you need. Any way to keep it for a time??

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Depending on the stuff you use Dan,, I have been able to store the stuff for long periods of time just by adding a little acetone to it to keep it fluid.. Know what ya mean by being frustrated about it bro, nothing like having the stuff on a shelf until ya need it, then right in the middle of a job ya discover ya gotta put all the tools down and run into town for a 5 dollar can of adhesive..

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How you use it makes a big difference in its shelf life after opening.


If you are careful to not let the fumes out of the can while using it then it will not have to refill the can with new fumes during storage.

When you use it, use it fast and get that lid back on as quick as possible. Try not to tilt the can and spill out the fumes that are in there. There is almost no hope of storing it once you have used very much of it because there is to much air inside allowing the solvents in the glue to evaporate into the air that is in the sealed can drying out the glue. I wonder if filling the can with an inert gas like nitrogen or argon would help.

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Depending on the stuff you use Dan,, I have been able to store the stuff for long periods of time just by adding a little acetone to it to keep it fluid.. Know what ya mean by being frustrated about it bro, nothing like having the stuff on a shelf until ya need it, then right in the middle of a job ya discover ya gotta put all the tools down and run into town for a 5 dollar can of adhesive..



That's what I was thinking Puc. Have to try it. Getting tired of tossing almost full cans.

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It is ABS plastic. Get the glue for ABS pipe. I think its the same but I always make sure it says ABS Pipe . It works great on cracks with a little practice. Some ground up ABS and the glue can be used as filler. There are a bunch of ways to patch these animals!! And several products to use from plastic welders to all kinds of Epoxy and glues. Devcron ( I think ) makes a good two part one. A ton of info in Tech Library.

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My question is How can you save this stuff once you open the can. Seems if you use just a little but open it a few times next time you try to use it it is ruined even if you are very careful to seal it up good. Shame to have to toss it and you can't depend on having it on shelf when you need. Any way to keep it for a time??
If you have a dried up can of ABS glue why not try a little experiment? Put some MEK in the can then seal it up for a few days and see if it's gotten any better. MEK is cheap so you would not be out very much. I bought a litre can of MEK a few years ago and it's still good.


I might have mentioned this before. :smile5:


My preferred repair medium is ABS and MEK mixed in proportion to give either a thick or thin consistency needed for a particular job. Keep the stuff in a small mason jar that's never even close to 1/4 full and after a month or two it's always hard as a plastic rock. Add some MEK, let it sit for a couple of days and it's workable again. Add a little more MEK to thin or a few small chunks of ABS to thicken.


Just sayin... again. :Avatars_Gee_George:

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How you use it makes a big difference in its shelf life after opening.


If you are careful to not let the fumes out of the can while using it then it will not have to refill the can with new fumes during storage.

Your kidding :backinmyday:....right!!!..:doh:... Did you forget it was Yammer that posted the question? ..:guitarist 2:.....He's probably sniffed 3/4's of the fumes before he even got started. :yikes:
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I just remembered a tip from dad's Popular Mechanics mag from the 60's or 70's. It was about cans of paint I think but same idea. As you use the contents add marbles to displace the air. They also act as "shakers". Now the problem is... where can you get marbles?
@fool is probably the only one that still plays with marbles. Ask him if he can spare a few.:rotfl::whistling:
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