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Awesome night, but it never ceases to amaze me.....


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Last night me and a number of my buddies did the local Special Olympics ride. Wonderful event! 300-400 or so bikes rode to the college football stadium where the opening ceremonies of the Special Olympics is held. Police escort. The whole deal. When we got there, we all parked and got off of our bikes and lined up in a double row and the handicapped athletes (approx 2000) paraded down between us as we all cheered them on, gave them high fives, threw mardi gras beeds around their necks. Then, after all of the athelets filled the stadium stands, we all got on our bikes and paraded around the track and field track that goes around the football field. The athletes and their families and coaches loved it!


Now, here's what never cease to amaze me:

When we pulled up to the stadium and parked, the bike that parked behind me was a RS Venture. So, I decided to strike up a conversation. This guy was all geared up in leather, doo rag, tats all over his arms, , the whole pirate gittup. Certainly had the "biker" look going on. Anywho, he told me he had owned the Venture for about 2 years. It was a Galaxy Blue/Raven so I knew that meant it was a 2007. He noticed my bike and asked what kind it was, and I explained it was a Yamaha RSTD, which is the exact same bike as his except for his has a fairing and a trunk. He was really loving on my bike, when I stated that mine was a 2007 just like his. He then argued with me and stated that his is a 2008. I kinda looked crazy at him , and said no, the 2007 venture is his color. He wouldn't take no for an answer and insisted that I didn't know what I was talking about. I just shrugged my shoulders and was stunned that a guy who was all dolled up in his biker looking world wouldn't even know the year model of his bike. But, wait, I'm not finished. He then asked me if the fairing and the trunk were the only differences between my RSTD and the his Venture. I told him that was the only differences. I then stated that I love my RSTD and I love the V4 motor. He then looked at me and said "I thought you said there were only two differences, MY VENTURE HAS A V TWIN, NOT A 4 cyclinder". Yes boys and girls, he actually said that!!!!! It was all i could do to keep myself from falling on the ground laughing. This dude has had his bike for two years, and doesn't know that it is a 4 banger. Un-Freakin believeable!!! Leather chaps; check, leather jacket; check, tatoos; check, doo rag; check, German looking scull cap; check. I'm thinking I ran into the perfect definition of a "Poser".

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Sometimes the year can sneak up on you.

I have had many tell me that my 88 Standard does not exist, 87 was the last year of the Standard, I offer to let them look at the VIN plate. The manufacture date is early September, there may have been a few that did not make it out of the factory at the end of the 87 run so they just got an 88 VIN slapped on them and out they went. It might be possible that is the case with the 07 vs 08? OR he just has no clue what year his V-twin is.......:rotf:

Would it have been mean to offer to count spark plugs or exhaust pipes with him........:duck:

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Harley owners are used to riding bikes with engines that have missing cylinders, the iconic design and po-tay-to sound comes from an engine that is designed from an aircraft radial design, so be it 3,5 7 or 9 cylinders the Harley engine is just a pie slice with two cylinders, thus the sound and vibration.

Lots of people think my Ventures or Vmax are twins, i just tell them its a "bi-twin" .

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