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The Great VR Scavenger Hunt


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OK, next target. This will fall under the category of "I will know it when I see it" kind of like porn, but no, I am not asking for that! :yikes:


The new target is: You and your bike, and a beautiful overlook scene. A view from some height. It doesn't have to be real high, but there should be some elevation where the shot is taken, looking down on a scene.


There is a small river valley in our area, and there are several places where you may only be a hundred feet above the valley, but the view is eye popping. In Iowa, there is one overlook where you can see for miles of a valley floor with farms dotting the landscape. Of course a view from a true mountain would also work. Doesn't have to be huge, or miles of view, but it should be interesting and make others want to visit and see for themselves. Sometimes these types of pictures are hard to get that convey the full drama of a scene, but we will allow for that! so find that overlook, scenic view and get a pic! This should apply to almost anywhere in the country, or any other country, even tall sand dunes! Enjoy.:thumbsup2:

Edited by dynodon
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From height? I may be able to get 20 feet :confused24: Will see what I can find.


Joe, that is a beautiful shot, but at sea level. I want something from some height, again, doesn't have to be thousands of feet, but something looking down on the scene. I will update the comments above to emphasize that.
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The new target is: You and your bike, and a beautiful overlook scene. A view from some height. It doesn't have to be real high, but there should be some elevation where the shot is taken, looking down on a scene.


Was a great day so I ducked out of work for a quick spin during lunch and took these pictures. This is from an overlook on the George Washington Parkway, overlooking the Potomac river from VA with DC on the other side. Not as beautiful as normal this time of year due to very low water level and all the trees are bare. It is fairly high up.


Have a look and let me know if this qualifies.








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Muay, if this is your first visit to this thread, then WELCOME! (or WELCOME no matter what!). I would encourage people to send in pics of a courthouse even for a while after it is found, these are almost always interesting buildings and monuments to the industrious people of the state/county they are in. I have a historical one in mind that I will post at some point. Can we assume that the courthouse doesn't have to be active? many are historical sites now.

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But I have and objection to that post it aint fair :bawling:leaving work to ride :crying::bawling::bang head: why cant I have a job like that.


Occasionally I do get to take a lunch break.. :) Working where I do on the northwest border of DC and MD, it is only a 5 minute ride to some interesting roads. Stealing away for a 45 minute ride is a great way to break up the day and help clears my head to face the afternoon.


I am lucky.

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So happy I found this thread.I've done this with local groups as well.It a great way to explore the US without leaving your state.Court House comming up


Agree. I've found interesting places that are practically in my own backyard that I never would have known existed if it weren't for this game.


Glad to have another participant. Good luck!

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I have been following this thread, but have not participated. Wanting an excuse for a ride, I checked in, and headed out to get my first shot. Somehow, I got it into my head that the target was a shot from a height. Had a great ride, and decided to share this view of Vancouver from Burnaby Mountain, even though the target is now a court house.





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I have been following this thread, but have not participated. Wanting an excuse for a ride, I checked in, and headed out to get my first shot. Somehow, I got it into my head that the target was a shot from a height. Had a great ride, and decided to share this view of Vancouver from Burnaby Mountain, even though the target is now a court house.







Nice view, always like seeing ride pics.

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What's the story on the log in the second picture ? :think:


Towering over the distant city are the tall Kamui Mintara (Playground of the Gods) sculptures at Burnaby Mountain Park. The Kamui Mintara comprise more than a dozen carved poles created by Japanese sculptors Nuburi Toko and his son, Shusei. The Tokos are members of the Ainu culture, Japan's first inhabitants. Installed on the top of an open slope looking west over Coal Harbour, the poles honour the ties between Burnaby and its Japanese sister city, Kushiro. The spectacular setting inspired Toko to imagine it as Kamui Mintara, or Playground of the Gods. The poles represent the story of the gods who descended to earth to give birth to the Ainu. Animal spirits such as whale, bear, and owl adorn the tops of the slender poles that are clustered together in groups of twos and threes. A killer whale and a brooding raven stand apart from the rest, looking west across the Strait of Georgia towards Vancouver Island (and Japan). A stunningly beautiful setting, this is one of the best examples of art in a public place in the Lower Mainland.

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