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today on a short errand, headed out of town turned the radio on ...... nothing controller didn't light up nothing. Pulled in the clutch turned the key off coasted a ways turned key on started bike let clutch out tried radio everything ok??????????

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When my 07 was new I had a lot of problems like this. The controller got very intermittent. Power on, power off. Sometimes it would lock up. After a few weeks I located the problem in one of the connectors inside the faring. The connector is not very good, but I was able to route it such that it sits atop the radio unit, rather than hanging beside it. This takes the stress off the connector, and I've had no problem with it in 2.5 years since making this adjustment.

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Was on long trip to Tx and back controller would not lite up radio and cb would play but couldnt change volume or channel.couldnt turn off When I got back told dealer they ordered new controller (warrenty) every thing is fine now.



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