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Hi All

I have a frend that I help out from time to time oled guy. Mostly he calls when his roof needs shoveling from snow. Well he called last night so this morning I went over. My frend is in the driveway clearing snow with a walk behind snowblower. No big deal Ive seen him do this before. I start to clear his roof now he is pulling the snow off the roof with a roof rake. You may wounder where Im going going with this story by now. Well we get the roof done and start to chat. He has just had his 99th birthday! He lives alone drives cuts his own grass clears most of hi own snow and seems to get around just fine.

I can only hope I see 99 much less do all the things he does.


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We had a chinese family (grandfather and granddaughter) living across from us .... they recently moved. The grandfather was somewhere in his 90's and still doing all their yard maintenance ... dunno if he drove or not and we rarely get enuf snow around here to have to clean the roof but he was out there doing his driveway, even a couple yers ago when we had a fair amount of snow that lasted a month (usually only lasts a few days when/if it does snow LOL)


yep, even if I do make it to that age, I know for a fact I'll not be in that kinda shape!

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I knew a man in Louisiana growing up that was in his 90s and still plowing his own garden. I asked him one day what he accredited the longivity of his life to and he told me this: "Son when the wife and I married we made a deal that if we got in an argument, I would just go outside. I guess the fresh air done me good."

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