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Crickett is going to the Doctor tomorrow!!!

Guest KitCarson

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Could be..........fun to wonder though........for sure no one is talking!! But the one thing I will go out on a limb and say for sure.......the current Venture is a goner......nothing has changed.......no money is being spent to re-tool and re-design it........I sometimes look at the bike magazines.....have not seen a Venture advertised since when?? I my self only knew of it as I brought one back to Columbia for a friend two years ago, if I had not done that, I would not have went looking for one. I hope it is good on the eye......if the new one is like the Wing........I hope they have lots of clutch baskets and parts......as I will just keep Crickett forever. The Venture is a pretty bike.......to me the wing looks like a rolling box....no tradition........no fun.........too many gadgets....but that is just me....I still like a Harley with short drag pipes... Kit
i agree 100% kit, think you hit the nail on the head.bill :)
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Yes.......at certain speeds.....you do have and will always have gear whine.......the chirp tended to be at all speeds some....worse between 30 and 50 on mine and again from 70 mph on up......in fact at that speed it was a screech!! The somewhat high pitched gear whine that on a normal running bike..not that this should be normal, but seems to be on these...I think will always be there.......mine will still do that part of it from about 25 to just a tad over 40.....the speedo is not all that accurate......and I do not have a tach installed.........but now at idle at the stop lights I can actually hear the valves working on top of the motor....at speeds over 50 in the right gear.......still for me usually in third at that point....it just goes away.......I played with that a lot on the way home...I hardly ever get into 4th gear till about 55.....and fifth gear.......will be at least 65.....and sometimes forget to even shift into it. I usually do not even use it till I am on the interstate.....and can see absolutely no difference in gas mileage.



Yes, I'm definitely talking about the chirp. If I'm tooling along in 4th at 50 to 60 it's there...loudest at 55. I cruise the highway from work at 80 (indicated) in 5th and the sound is completely gone, so that's nice. 75 in 5th is a different matter but not unbearable. Kind of afraid I'll Jinx it if I have the basket changed though so, for now, I'll deal. Turn up the radio and ride :thumbsup2:

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Guest KitCarson
Yes, I'm definitely talking about the chirp. If I'm tooling along in 4th at 50 to 60 it's there...loudest at 55. I cruise the highway from work at 80 (indicated) in 5th and the sound is completely gone, so that's nice. 75 in 5th is a different matter but not unbearable. Kind of afraid I'll Jinx it if I have the basket changed though so, for now, I'll deal. Turn up the radio and ride :thumbsup2:
Yes it sounds so.......I am still at home....on the phone organizing.......waiting ......going to call Yamaha and camp on their front doorstep this morning and talk some more about this. I am learning more and more each day......getting to know just about as much as they do about this thing. I do feel in my heart at this point, changing the clutch basket will as some dealers have said and told me.....and I really do think it true now........the basket changes will move the sound......this is a very true statement. My bike is whisper quiet now at speed. At 70 mph plus it is a joy if you like quiet pipes.....Crickett came down I-77 just purring. Not one bit of chirp . I can hear the motor work....hear the valves working, and the soft putt of the stock exhaust moving back with the wind. I however do still have some basket noise in third gear from about 25 to 40 if I am easy on the throttle.......like in town just moving with the traffic and not powering it up......like when you just maintain speed........sound familiar? And some in fourth if I get lazy and want to piddle along. I feel this will never leave......the fellow who worked on my bike......told me this is as normal as normal gets.......so the statement that is made that the basket changes move the sound to the most unused part of the rpm and gear range.........I think is a very true statement. As I said I am learning each day........Does not take me long......I am very mechanical....not afraid to work on anything......always figure if I break it , I can get help!! I do have this gut instinct though......this will always be........this is one reason I have 4-2-4 pipes on the way......I like statement pipes anyway....love to hear them work. Will say more on this as soon as I know. Kit
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Guest KitCarson

Those of you watching this thread for information on contact from Yamaha....please be patient.......is not going to happen today. California is three hours different from where I live and the fellow is not there today. Bike shops are closed on Mondays.......but Yamaha is open......but he is not there. So most likely will be tomorrow. Rome is not built in a day......but I do try lots of times!!! Kit

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Guest KitCarson

The day is done.......I am finally able to sit down. Okay if you have an issue with a dealer and they have told you Yamaha will not help you. Call Luke. Just ask for Luke, everyone there knows who he is. I have made a deal with him not to post his personal number on the forum. However these numbers will get you to him, and if you use a little persistence.....the office girl will mess up....hint!! You can call Luke at two numbers. First you can call 1-714-761-7300. They will ask you if you are a customer....say yes......I want to speak with Luke.

Second......You can call 1-800-962-7926. On the recording pick option number one. When one of the customer service people ask how they can help you...ask to speak to Luke.


Keep trying....this is a busy fellow....but I usually do not wait for people to call me back......I give them two hours and call them again.....give them two hours and call them again.......be nice....but be persistent....if and when you get this guy.....things happen. If you have a dealer giving you the run around......I can assure you within hours you will get a call from that dealer.


Now to save some of you some disappointment. Luke is a biker also. He has rode a Venture quite a lot.

So if you have a high pitched chirp at speeds over about 50mph and on up to the screech level at 65 to 80. He can help you.

If you have like Crickett has now......a clutch whine in third gear and a little in forth.....live with it...buy some pipes.......use some ear plugs.......because that is a good as it will ever get. The bike has this character built into it.....so when you get rid of about 75 percent of it.......or the dealer tells you .....the I basket will move the sound to a lower range.....believe him.......that is the truth....... There will always be some of this clutch whine with this bike in the relaxed rpm range of third and fourth gear. Maybe just a tiny touch of it once in awhile as you hit fifth.....but above 65 will simply smooth right out.

So do not expect miracles......if you have what I had and a chirp some at all speeds.....and a screech at high speed....you can get some relief......otherwise...the third gear thing..will always be a part of this bike. It is simply the design of it.

Yamaha will call the dealer if you have what you believe to be the chirp....no dealer will get away with telling you Yamaha will not help you. You may even pick a dealer.......if you have a dealer you wish to go to....tell this man......he will let you go to anyone you want to....he will help you out.


Take Care



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Guest KitCarson
Kit, I am fortunate that I don't have a problem with my 05 RSTD but thanks for all of the work that you did and sharing it with the rest of us.
All of you are quite welcome. It would have been easy for me to just walk away from it all. But I decided to stick around, when I was younger I used to ride in some bike clubs........some of them kinda not reputable............so the attitude on this one and the people suit me just fine.

I do have this stubborn streak......shows up from time to time.......Sandy watched me do all this and told me.......Kit I am never going to sell you anything:rotf::rotf:Take Care.

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Hey Kit,

Wanted to give you an update on my call to Luke at Yamaha. I called yesterday and left a message. Today I called again and got right through to him. He was very helpful and told me that Yamaha would replace my basket. I gave him the shop information where I wanted the work done and not 20 minutes later I got a call from the shop. Luke had already contacted them and set me up to have all the work done. This is a shop that normally has a 2-3 week wait to get work done. Well, I was able to get them the bike this Saturday and they should have all of the work done, along with one other small piece of warranty work, by the end of next week. Needless to say I am very pleased with the way things are going right now. Let's just hope that this cures my whine issues. Thanks so much Kit for the work that you did on this.

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Guest KitCarson
Hey Kit,

Wanted to give you an update on my call to Luke at Yamaha. I called yesterday and left a message. Today I called again and got right through to him. He was very helpful and told me that Yamaha would replace my basket. I gave him the shop information where I wanted the work done and not 20 minutes later I got a call from the shop. Luke had already contacted them and set me up to have all the work done. This is a shop that normally has a 2-3 week wait to get work done. Well, I was able to get them the bike this Saturday and they should have all of the work done, along with one other small piece of warranty work, by the end of next week. Needless to say I am very pleased with the way things are going right now. Let's just hope that this cures my whine issues. Thanks so much Kit for the work that you did on this.

You are quite welcome........Luke is a go-getter. But more than that he is a biker. All of the Actual Yamaha people are nice.

Glad things are looking up for you. Kit

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  • 3 months later...
Guest KitCarson

I had five or six people contact me about the clutch chirp and whine....only one ever contacted me back.....and they were dis-appointed with the results. It is very hard to explain things on an internet forum....but if you have a true Chirp the Basket change will help you out. Yamaha is good about fixing things once you get past those idiot dealers......sorry.....but that is my opinion of them and I stand by it. Yamaha will change the basket several times if need be.....the rear drive and the swing arm too till they get it fixed.

I found the folks at Yamaha to be very nice, and quite concerned about the situation, and very willing to help.

Having said this.....please be aware these bikes have a characteristic clutch whine....this is the most noticeable in third and fourth gear, at the low rpm range of these gears. Like those days when it is such a great day...you have the helmet visor up and just idling through town.....running 30 to 40 mph and enjoying the ride.......that high pitched whine that is present....will always be there....at those speeds......at that gear range.....it is not present in the lower gears and will just fade out at 55 to 60 miles per hour......this is what the basket change does for a problem bike.....it simply moves the sound to this rpm range.......takes that high pitched scream at interstate speeds and moves it to this range. It becomes more bearable......and totally eliminates it at the higher speeds.

Everyone is different.....but if you are sensitive to high pitched sounds as I am.....it is a problem. It does not bother some people.....some even wear ear plugs.......I do know even with Baron 4-2-4 pipes that high pitched whine would still come through at town speeds......it was always there.........it is what it is with these bikes.......a built in characteristic.....the trade motor noise........a high pitched scream at speed like I had is not normal......but what I have explained is......so if this is your situation......no changing the basket will not help......and like the one who went through it.....and was not impressed........this would be the result. Respectfully Kit



About those dealers....it is not just the Yamaha ones......I had some problems with Honda dealer already too......but American Honda has called me twice.....gave me a free extended three year warranty......told me I could have my first service free.......so the Mother companys do very much want to help and are quite concerned with the sale and reputation of their products......it is those dealers that are the problem.......I declined the first service......I am sure I can put the right oil filter on......and pretty sure I know how to put the drain plug back in.......with a new bike delivered with .....well I will behave.......Honda as did Yamaha has treated me very well........so that is between me and them. At the Honda dealer......the oldest service person is like 22 years old........so..........................

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Kit, I think the best thing that came out of this is that you through your persistance taught all of us how to ask for and get good service, even though those around you (dealers) often refuse either out of lazyness or ignorance. I think lazyness is worse, you can't cure it.


All brands have problems of this sort, because the factories have little control over the dealers, unlike automobiles, where the factories have huge control via holdback.


Ride safe and well.

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They're gonna discontinue them after next year George....... Let's hope the new 1800cc V-4 only screams when the R's are high..... :whistling:


I've heard Rumors about the Sound is a characteristic V4 Sound.


Testriders from a german M/C Magazine have seen them passing by in the italian Alps.

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I've heard Rumors about the Sound is a characteristic V4 Sound.


Testriders from a german M/C Magazine have seen them passing by in the italian Alps.


I hope it's more like a high-R howl... I like a good howl..... :)

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Guest KitCarson

An 1800 V-4 , water cooled.....with fuel injection and ABS brakes and traditional styling......would not be good.......it will only increase my tendency towards Multiple Bike Syndrome.......I would have to get another job to support it......:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

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An 1800 V-4 , water cooled.....with fuel injection and ABS brakes and traditional styling......would not be good.......it will only increase my tendency towards Multiple Bike Syndrome.......I would have to get another job to support it......:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:


I think you better place a Box somewhere and start filling it with Notes ... get started with Ulysses S. Grant's and Benjamin Franklin's only :) :) :) :) :)



I believe, a new Venture will come, only Question is ... When ?


If it will fit the Style you prefer, i don't know ...

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