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Them Durn Turkeys!


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Just about got a turkey in the chest today. He was gliding across the road about windshield height.... Luckly.... with the help of my horn and braking, we didn't meet up.


It got me to thinking about the time I rode in to PKB on my bike and a Mechanic there showed me scars on his chest and shoulders a couple years back. Said it was from a 20 lb. turkey strike, He was on a harley, without a windshield traveling about 60 mph. Took him off the bike an busted up his ribs... Didn't quite know wether to believe him or not... I'm a believer now.... This was about an 8 on the pucker scale!:smile5:



Just be careful out there...

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I can imagine hitting a turkey.

Many years ago I hit a little house sparrow at 65 MPH, caught it in the chest. It knocked the wind out of me.


I have not ridden without a windshield since.


Somehow I do not think the windshield would matter much for a turkey.:happy-emoticon:


Glad you made it through.

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Had the same thing happen to me about 35 years ago...On my way to work at 11:00 pm going around a sharp curve down hill at about 15 miles an hour, dang turkey came out of nowhere and caught my chest and left shoulder..It was like being hit with a bowling ball... I just caught the back end of the stupid bird...scared the live out of me....never saw it comming.....what I never could understand was, aren't turkeys suppose to be roosting that time of night?........ I had to change my shorts ...PUCKER FACTOR A 10 FOR SURE..........:yikes:

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I was riding at dusk in Southern Cali on an 86'VR with two friends, clipping along at 60 MPH or so and rounded a left banked sweeper when a big ol' hoot owl crashed into my helmet! That ol' owl broke my face shield, I had a mouth full of feathers, and it knocked me silly. I got the bike stopped on the side of the road, barely got the kick stand down, and slid off the left side of the bike and melted to the ground. My buddy behind me said it looked like a "feathered missile" had exploded into me! I sat on the side of the road for 25 minutes before my marbles in my head stopped rolling around. I was able to ride home, but every bug that hit the windscreen scared the crap out of me!

Took years to forget that one. :confused24:


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