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Replacement Clutch Diaphragm Springs At Don's Maint. Day!


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Hey Everyone,

I will be traveling to Don's Maint. Day by car this year due to my recent back surgery, and I will have replacement Clutch Diaphragm Springs for anyone that purchased a Clutch Spring Upgrade Kit over the past few months. I will also have complete kits with the new spring for First and Second Gen. bikes as well as a Clutch Spring Upgrade Kit for the MKI VR, which uses a set of 6 compression springs instead of one Diaphragm Spring. Because of my present physical condition, I WILL NOT BE WORKING ON MOTORCYCLES! But I will have many of the Items I have listed in the Classifieds with me for sale. I will mail a new spring to anyone that I miss at Maint. Day or anyone that doesn't attend. Thanks for your patience and understanding, it will be a pleasure to see everyone at Maint. Day again this year. Also, thanks for the kind words and prayers from everyone while I was down, and most of all, thanks to the people that helped Jean while I was down, she was very grateful, as was I.:thumbsup2:

Earl and Jean

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If you are sure you are not going to be coming to Don's Maint. Day, please PM me and I will do my best to mail your spring out before I leave for Maint. Day.:thumbsup2: Also, If you did not receive your kit at all, please PM me!


Edited by skydoc_17
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  • 2 weeks later...

Got my valve adjustment finished today (left a plug wire off), in the process the floats were evened up. (not off enough to fool with) And in celebration went to Wallyworld for a loaf of bread. On the way home, the mailman(person) had run and in my box was a clutch spring.


I ain't puttin it on today.


But thanks Earl. The clutch is now on the list of things to do.

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