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Question for the 'nam Vets

Black Owl

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I served in the Army during Vietnam. I was stateside the whole time. I was in charge of G3 range control at Ft. Bragg, NC. There we were responsible for the training of artillery, small arms fire, parachute jumping, jet fighter close air support training, helicopter training, etc before they went to Vietnam. The restricted area was R5311 and was the busiest restricted area east of the Mississippi River. During my basic training at Ft. Polk, LA I was issued a P-38. That was 1972 and it has been on my key chain ever since. I also carry my dog tag in my wallet.:thumbsup2:


I never been in the service due to medical condition but my brother was. He passed away back in the 80's. I still carry his dog tags with me on my key chain to remind me of him. He was way to young. I still miss him. Sorry to get off track but it made me remember him. His tags sure have gooten a work out over the years. they sure were made to last. even clanging in to a bunch of other keys all these years.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane.



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Army 1960 - 1963 even in Germany we almost had a mess truck follow us when we were on maneuvers. I never developed an attachment to one, although I did have and use it. Geeeeez, I just did the math - 47 years I've been OUT of the service. Boy, time sure flies when you're having fun :happy65:

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I have carried them, but found that I could work the can opener attachment on a Swiss Army knife much quicker, and was tired of being poked so I stopped carrying it. And I respectfully disagree, the eggs were one of the best meals. Whenever we had Cs we normally didn't have much time or the resources to heat the meals. The eggs were the one meal I could eat that I didn't have to scrape an inch of congealed grease off of.

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U.S. Army '69-'71. Vietnam '70-'71. Still Have mine from basic training. Ate LRRPs , most of the time but did eat a few C-Rats. Ham and M-Fs wasn't too bad if you had enough Tobasco sauce and seasonings. Still use it occasionally.

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