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Busy Day Today!


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Last night I brought home the new trailer, so I quick ran up to Pioneer Motorsports to get it inspected. In the mean time Brad T and Naugh T were on the way over for a visit. Got home about 5 minutes before they showed up! Well, I had an appointment for a haircut at noon, so Brad, Rhonda and Becky went to the restaurant for lunch while I got my haircut. Got there just in time to order. Had a great lunch, aqnd finally got back around 1:15. Next order of the day, get brand new tires for the Monte. Loaded the old tires and rims into the trunk and back seat and headed off to BJ's Wholesale for a set of new Michelins. Got about halfway there and realized I forgot the lug nuts for the sumer rims! Also, had to stop at Lowes to find the key for my Bro-in-law's garage that he gave me before picking up the trailer from Lowes. It dropped out of my pocket, I knew it because I used it for a philips screwdriver to attach the plates, and I didn't havde it when I got home. Anyway, onwards to BJ's to get the new tires mounted. Went to Pier 1 while waiting. Picked up the tires, came home and put the sumer tires on and took off the snows. Bolted the new toolbox to the trailer, and now it's dinner time...

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Will be glad to meet you guys, when you get here. We won't be around Sunday, as it's our 24th wedding anniversary on the 28th. We'll catch you sometime before you leave. My #'s are in my profile. Have a safe trip!!

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The way you are getting things done around there, pretty soon ypu can come over here and give me a hand,,,,,,,,, now let's see,,,,,,,,,,, what can I get Bob to do??????????????,,,,,,,,can Becky cook????????is she coming tooo??????? what only for 2 weeks,,,, that's all????????????

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