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Thank you for posting this. I am sure we all remember exactly where we were and what we were doing at the time of the attacks. I never thought that something as catastrophic as that day could have ever occurred in our great nation. It was a real eye opener to say the least.

I will pray for all those who died and those who were in the towers that day. And all the rescuers who died trying to save them.


Yama Mama

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I was at the Pentagon eight years ago today, I jumped on an Army air ambulance at Ft. Belvoir as a Special Operations Combat Medic and worked the Pentagon for days. About a month later I was on a frigid mountain top a world away calling in air strikes. Since, I've been overseas numerous times and would gladly return on a moment's notice. Please take a moment to remeber some fellow Police Officers, from New York City's famed Emergency Services Unit. These brave officers met a NYFD Captain who was coming DOWN from one of the towers and told the officers to get out, the building would soon collapse. The ESU Police Officer in charge replied "I know Captain, hurry and get out" and continued to climb up, helping people down as they climbed ever higher. God Bless America and all Her Fallen Heros..........

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Written by Cheryl Sawyer



As the soot and dirt and ash rained down,

We became one color.

As we carried each other down the stairs of the burning building,

We became one class.

As we lit candles of waiting and hope

We became one generation.

As the firefighters and police officers fought their way into the inferno

We became one gender.

As we fell to our knees in prayer for strength,

We became one faith.

As we whispered or shouted words of encouragement,

We spoke one language.

As we gave our blood in lines a mile long,

We became one body.

As we mourned together the great loss

We became one family.

As we cried tears of grief and loss

We became one soul.

As we retell with pride of the sacrifice of heros

We become one people.


We are

One color

One class

One generation

One gender

One faith

One language

One body

One family

One soul

One people


We are The Power of One.

We are United.

We are America.



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I grew up in New York. I saw the Twin Towers going up. Then on that fate filled day I saw the Twin Towers coming down. Today I remember, and will always remember.

I looked in the local newspaper here. Front page lower left hand corner

911 "see page 4 for local events" That was it..

I fear that people are begining to see this as just something else that happened a long time ago.( I hope not)

Eck that is a wonderful poem

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I will always remember. I fly a 3X5 American flag on my motorcycle for 2 occasions:


A Patriot Guard Mission


On 9/11 every year. It's on the bike now and I have errands to run this morning. I wonder how many people will ask "Why are you riding around with that flag?"


How soon people forget.








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The Day America Cried


I felt pain in my heart as I watched in dismay.

Two towers exploded in fire and I began to pray.

The people stood in horror as the planes began to fall.

No sense could be made as I watched another fireball.


Moments became hours as the sirens screamed in pain.

The towers began to tremble as the steel began to strain.

Brave firemen and policemen ran to the beacon call.

As the towers began to falter and lost were they all.


I felt pain in my heart as I watched in disbelief

The people on the ground were running for relief.

The world watched and cried with lady Liberty.

The crumbling walls of security now felt the agony.


I heard the sound of silence as another plane came down

It crashed into a fortress of military might on the ground.

The soldiers died and bled but no reason could be heard.

As the fires ripped great buildings I could not say a word.


For many hours I watched and many hours I cried.

So many precious people for no reason died.

No one could stop it, no one could bring them back.

The day America cried from a terrorist attack.


Yet now my heart sees hope and no longer sees despair

For brother now joins brother as we begin to repair.

Our hearts grow closer to our Father up above.

We again lean on HIM and demonstrate HIS love.


I will not forget the day my nation cried.

I will always remember, all the hero’s that had died.

I’ll call upon my God who delivered us from that day.

And say God bless America again Lord I pray.



By Terry L Richardson "Big T"

Copyright © September 14, 2001

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Hey Silverdeer, brother I two usually only ride with my 3'x5' American flag only on a PGR mission (I am safety officer in Northwest Fla PGR) but on a couple occassion a year I fly her when I ride around town on errands and yes today is such a day. My brother I proudly fly my colors with you. God bless you my friend and GOD BLESS AMERICA.


Terry "Big T":7_2_104[1]:

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A nation that forgets it's past is doomed to repeat it. RIP to all the ones that lost their lives...I will never forgive or forget.




I sat in the Vetran's Clinic not long ago and looked around the room at the collection of old geezers in there. But I had a though. How much this room had already given .But given a chance how much more could they give?? That would be the wrong room for a Ben Laden supporter to open his mouth!!



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hey Yammer Dan, I can save the govment a lot of cash. Instead of gitmo, just send those fellows down here to South Alabama/Northwest Florida. I guarantee after a few good ole boy riders had a conversation with them they would sing like song birds and would be getting an opportunity to see their 42 virgins post haste. Oh and while your at it, would you mind sending those ACLU lawyers down with them? We would love to have a chat with them as well and give them a paid Delta ticket to the country of their choice... one way. If there was a magic button you could push and all traitors would be eliminated, Washington DC would be a ghost town.

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