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Feet slipped


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When I bought the bike, I got a bike barn ( http://www.thebikebarn.net/tourermodel.html ) and it has pressure treated plywood floor. Well, I learned today the dew on the wood make for nasty bruises.


Foot slipped as I was just hitting the three inch ramp a the front... Got my feet back under me in time to catch it from falling over... But I kicked the drivers floor board on the right side so hard, I thought I broke my leg. I was scared to put my foot down but had no choice. When she didn't fold like a chair I knew it wasn't broken... But Goramitt that hurt! Allot!!:crying::sign **** happens:

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If there is dew on the floor in that thing, you had better do something about getting rid of the moisture while your bike is in there.

Better off not having it.---Gonna need some vents for sure.

Years ago, I built an ice fishing shack just like that, only using slats for the tubing. Still have it.

Good luck,


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If you don't want to do it like our beloved government would, just put a good coat of latex paint on in and while it is still wet, throw a bunch of sand on the wet paint. Protects the wood and gives you a non skid surface.

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Guest curtismiller

I would roll the bottom of the cover up about 6 in.all the way around.Bike would still be protected.That thing has to be a sweater.Let that air in.

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