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Well I'm in a hotel in Bradford, PA right now and have a wireless connection that isn't that good. I just timed it though by clicking on several links and etc. and they all open is less than 2 second. Not sure what is happening there.

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I was going to say something yesterday. When I click on a thread, it can take up to a half a minute or more to load. Sometimes I just give up and go away for a while. This happens at home and at work.

Just now after I clicked on this thread, it took 20 sec to load.

Just to add, other sites seem fine.



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Is it possible that our browsers cache is full (on our own pc's) and we need to "clean it", Don? I experience the same thing when I'm going to post in a thread or waiting for the 2nd page, etc. to open.

By the way, saw you got up same time as me this am- 6:45..... You keep late nights and early morns like me.






PS met an RSTD rider at a local shop today, has 50,000 on his '03--- heading out to NM in a month, told him about the site and our stuff going on here. One more closer to 5000! Sounds like Lowell's son!

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First thing I did !! Made no difference whatsoever. Besides, that would affect all sites.... I am not having any other problems. Also I am on high speed DSL and not experiencing problems on any other sites. This tread took a good 15 seconds to open... Something's not kosher.

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Besides, that would affect all sites.... I am not having any other problems.


Not if it is a corrupted cookie, coold effect one site as it did with my issue related to the theme. I also said that I can't say that it is related. I tmay have been a coincidence that both were resolved at the same time.

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Weather is great here, beach is close....Can't beat Highway 1 for riding-as far as you want, Calif. Oregon, Washington practicaly to Canada.... Last time I was in Houston had to walk at 45 degrees and carry an anchor - the wind was incredible, and that was downtown.

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I don't really understand what it going on. I have the ads back on now. It made no difference at all on my end. I find that all threads, posts, etc. open very quickly. The only time that it seems a little slow is if I am actually in a thread and hit the browsers refresh button. I would seldom have a reason to do that though.

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It deffinitely appears slower than usual here. I tried several different sites - all seem pretty normal. I seem to be experiencing slow page reload.


You say slow reload. Does that mean reload when you hit "refresh" on your browser? There are a lot of scripts that run here when you do that. Why would you need to? Just curious.

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