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Life is short.

Doug royal86

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This has nothing to do with bikes. The other day I posted a picture of our memorial day site. For 35 years my brother and I has been setting up the sound system for this event. We realized this might be the last time we might do this together. We found out 2 months ago he has stage 3b lung cancer. I am glad we spent alot of time together. We both have been on the fire dept 38 and 35 years respectively. It is always some one else with this happening. Keep every moment in your heart . LIFE IS SHORT.

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I posted something like that here before. First praying for your brother.

I served our great country for 23 years and now serve as a rural United Methodist pastor. Been doing this for about 12 years. I have learned a few things. First you are right life is way to short, I do not care if you die at day 1 or 110 life is to short. Most people do not really live, yes they have jobs, family but they work until they are to old to do anything. They usually bought big houses, and other material stuff that requires them to work longer and harder to pay bills. When they die someone else is stuck with the stuff they have acquired without the same love for it. To many times in families will fight and split up over the death of a father or mother and trying to divided their stuff up.


So here is my simple advice, it is better to live a simple life, one with less stuff that will allow you more time and money to build memories with your family and friends. When done with what ever it is you have, instead of letting it sit on the shelf, give it away today then you can see the other person enjoy using it. You are taking nothing with you other than your relationship with others and that of the LORD. So work on the stuff that will last forever. A quote from Forrest Gump, "I am not a smart man, but I know what love is."

And for us that like to ride motorcycles or do other crazy stuff, life of riding will be over sooner than our physical life. Get out and ride everyday. If you do not ride today, you can ride twice as long tomorrow but in the history books on June 7th, it will be noted you did not ride.

Get out and enjoy life. Live as if today was your last day.

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