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2nd gen tank bag?


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I searched craigslist in my area. Found someone letting go of a cortech stackable job. I dont even think they make them any more. But the magnets are really strong. One bag is larger than the other so you can adjust to what size bag you want to take. I have been using the smaller I think they call it 10 liter bag. Cortech_Tribag_Tank_Bag_detail.jpgKY trip.jpgThis i it on my 900 vulcan with half of it.

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I ruined one years ago while out east messing around looking for old coal mines (wet shale rock gets REAL slippery).. I stopped at Goodwill Store, pawed around and found a fake leather CD case for a buck!! Used it for the rest of the trip and it worked great!! Never went back to an actual Tank Bag, the one I have on Tweeks is also a CD Case that came from another Goodwill in Sacramento - cost more (like 2 dollars) but they are definitely a must have for touring!! :big-grin-emoticon:


Edited by cowpuc
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The reason the one in Sacramento coast $2 is it was in Calif. How do you mount it up Puc? My buddy bought one @ cycle gear that was magnetic. It also had a regular strap on it for sport bikes with the plastic tanks I supose. Lynn mounted it up on his Sporty in Daytona and headed back to NC. First gas stop the bag had blown off once and he caught it, after that he allways used the strap as a "safety" belt.

They are great for the odds and ends stuff, extra glasses, wallet while riding, gloves sometimes I have even put the rain jacket in there.

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A really really nice tank bag came with my very first 84 back in 87. I still have the trunk bag that matched it and it was definitely top quality stuff.. The tank bag had suction cups mounted into the bottom of the tank bag - one at each corner. After I ruined that bag while out east many years ago and finding the CD bag at Goodwill - I found out that the suction cups were actually attached into the bottom of the bag with screws that went thru the interior and into the cups. I unscrewed those screws and reinstalled the suction cups on that CD Bag.. This worked really really good for a long time BUT,, I always worried about some delingquent kid walking up to my bike and pulling the tank bag off and my kids and I being stuck loosing our camera (always carry a cheap camera in that bag for easy access) with ALL of our ride memorys gone for ever.. Sun Glasses, a few dollars in change, sunscreen, bags of peanuts, mp3 players (I even carry my wallet in the tank bag) and stickers that havent been place on the bike yet can be replaced but memory pictures cant!!

Those suction cups are still available - probably find em at Ace Hardware or maybe even Harbor Freight but I got tired of being concerned about the easiness of removal of the tank bag and decided to take action.. I now attach em with tie wraps - I drill holes thru the battery cover and run the tie wraps thru the bag and thru the holes. Because of the strength of the tie wraps - I also now only attach the forward front part of the bag so the bag can easily swing out of my way. I run my bars low and back so when I am leaning back on Tippy and am stretched out with my feet up on the cases - the bar ends are resting on my hands and my hands are resting on my legs - kind of an old school chopper guys way of covering the miles.. If I am on the open road, all leaned back and something happens I can manuver out of the mess without fear of my tank bag getting in the way cause it will just swing to the side.. The swinging action also come in handy when opening the fuel door on Tweeks!!

The tie wraps are thru the bottom of the bag and looped thru the cover and are not visible.. Tweeks has been over on her side (actually almost upside down once) and the bag has stayed safe and secure!! It would also take a LOT Of ripping to remove the bag in the event of theft.. Been doing the tie wrap thingy for many years now (knock on wood). Its all crude by most standards BUT - it works for me AND - you gotta admit,, it does go really well with the raw patina that adorns Tweeks by her precious stickers!!! :big-grin-emoticon:


By the way, I know the theft thing might sound like a non issue but,, a few years ago I was out at Sturgis parked next to a gorgeous Harley that was missing its tour pac. The owner was saying that the "Quick Detach" docking hardware he had paid big bucks for to be able to remove his tour pack worked really great - he only wished he would have stuck some locks in the holes on the small clips cause someone had decided they needed his tour pac and belongings more than he did - when he told me that my eyes instantly fell on my little "tie wrap secured" tank bag!!!:scared:

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