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A real question on our members traveling

Brake Pad

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Yea, that works and thanks for the tip. The problem is, I used to keep a printable assistance list online but after the site update, I never started doing it again and like I said, it was such a pain to do that I didn't update it very often. I just looked and realize now that even the fields in the User Profile that show what services a member offers is no longer there. I have some work to do. Will try to come up with a new and better solution in the near future.


OK...I've added the necessary fields to the profile. Members will need to go to their profiles and edit the two fields, Can offer Assistance (yes or no) and then Services offered.


Brother,,, your like the energizer bunny :Bunny: - you got miles and miles ahead me as I was thinking and typing that last note,,, you da man Boss!!!

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Yes, I think I actually covered most of the services that you listed. I don't think that there is a way though to add that to the balloon on the map. What I can do is create a link that just brings up a members list of those who have selected "yes" for the assistance option.

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FYI to anyone wanting to do this,, I couldnt figure out how to update my profile under "My Profile",, if you look under "Forum Actions" there is a "edit profile" clicker, click on that puppy and its all right there!!!!


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Yea,,, me an Orlin,,, we aint skeerd a getting thumped on are we Orlin!! Course we aint thumped on a bunch of bad guys like YammerDan either but thats a whole nuther story!!

Nope aint skeerd of getting thumped on like you said it not hard to find me if thats what you are looking to do I am in the phone book and my adderess is public. And I dont think that someone is going to go to the Venture site to find me to do me harm.

My door is allways open because thats the way I was brought up to be, to many good people out there to close the gate and lock the door.

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Im the ONLY ORANGE BALLOON On the Map (Orange-Florida)

Ha... that's funny...........because you must be looking at yourself. From over here, only my balloon is orange and all others in the planet are blue.

-Pete, in Tacoma WA USA

Edited by Peder_y2k
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I see a lot of members traveling all over the place. I for one would have loved to know that other then sleeping on the welcome center Between Norfolk VA and Dismal swamp state park in NC. There were members houses, near by ( a warm Bed or even a place to pop open a tent. ) would have been better then sleeping curb side.


I know there is a List of were people live, But I was thinking from an offering stand point, other then having to call someone, out of the blue.

Rereading Brake Pads post here..

Just thinking out loud here again Don,,,,, Mike - if I am putting words in your mouth here using your original post - please forgive me.. I still dont think we really addressed Mikes question..

There are times, more for some of us than others, that having to call someone - even though they have clearly stated on the VR list its ok - to ask if we can plop a tent down is very hard to do.. I can totally relate to Mikes original post here - your ready to sleep for while, got a tent on the back, it's 2 A.M. and you really really dont think its in the offering members best interest to get a 2 A.M. call from a road weary biker just to see if he can flop a tent.. In our case,, we pretty much practice CTFWing - never really know where we are gonna be at any particular time (most might call it extreme lack of planning - a few call it FUN)..

That said,, I wonder if a "field" could be created specifically for that option.. I tried to stick that "idea" in next to my phone number but I wonder what everyone thinks of having an actual place on the list that addresses that question.. Maybe Mike and I are the only ones that see the need (or, maybe I am the only one and I am misreading Mikes original post)?

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Hey Puc,

I'm thinking he wanted a list of people that are able to help/host others.. so we knew, not to call, the ones unable to help/host.

I've been wrong before though... once or twice :duck:



:doh:,, I think you nailed it Captn'!! Its funny how two people can read something and arrive at different conclusion aint it:think:

Shoulda seen me trying to get thru the Algebra story problems back in school:178:,, I had my teacher pulling his hair out by the roots trying to get me to see em the way I was spose to :yikes: Thanks for putting up with me ya bunch of lop eared varmints:detective:

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:doh:,, I think you nailed it Captn'!! Its funny how two people can read something and arrive at different conclusion aint it:think:

Shoulda seen me trying to get thru the Algebra story problems back in school:178:,, I had my teacher pulling his hair out by the roots trying to get me to see em the way I was spose to :yikes: Thanks for putting up with me ya bunch of lop eared varmints:detective:


Ha... My eighth grade algebra teacher, Mr. Hicks would have killed me if he could have caught me.

No love lost there... the only reason I made it thru his class is, he flew his experimental airplane into the ground, and was out for 6 months. Substitute teacher was a lot nicer and she was easy on the eyes...if you know what I mean.


You know to this day, I'm 56... and still haven't had the need to use algebra. :confused24:

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Let's say, I post a route for all to see, I plan to stop in Perry FL the first night, the second in Oxford Alabama, the 3 rd in culvert City, KY, day 4 Dixon, ILL, day 5 apply valley, Minn. so if people live in these areas, and offer their homes up as VR Homes, they can drop a ballon on the route, with there phone numbers and names, so the traveler can call and get directions. Or have the address on the ballon, this way the people that post a ballon, knows what day to expect the traveler.

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Maybe, we can put out a yearly pamphlet or a PDF of members state, city, address and number, that we can take with us when traveling. Sort of a very scaled down version of the GWRRA book. Then it can show symbols for towing, repairs, lodging etc. it can be simple and in alphabetical order from the states an then for our Canadian members...

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Nope aint skeerd of getting thumped on like you said it not hard to find me if thats what you are looking to do I am in the phone book and my adderess is public. And I dont think that someone is going to go to the Venture site to find me to do me harm.

My door is allways open because thats the way I was brought up to be, to many good people out there to close the gate and lock the door.


ATTENTION...............DO NOT I repeat DO NOT go to Orlin and Sharon's IF you have to be someplace in a few hours. Something about their hospitality and where they live that just makes you want to stay and set along the creek or in the shop and relax, talk, eat and drink and then do some riding. Then when you are done with that you just want to do it all over again. It's like groundhogs day all over. :thumbsup::dancefool::banana:

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