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Trunk. HEEEELP!!!!!!!!!

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:sign67::sign09:Boy am I in serious trouble now. Have been searching high and low for a trunk, trunk mounting bracket, grab rails and passenger trunk backrest to add to my Royal star Tour Classic II 1998. Have finally found most of these parts but the bottom part of the trunk is badly broken. Found another bottom that is intact and now I need to sort this out. Need to exchange the bottom part, dismantle the trunk and put the parts in the trunk itself to save space and so forth. O.K. what is my problem? I live in Iceland and need someone to help me with this. Need someone that is willing to have all the items shipped to his place and is willing to sort things out, dismantle, pack and ship to Iceland. This is quite a lot of work but I am surely willing to pay for the assistance by any reasonable rate. Is there anybody out there who has the time, skills and the kindness to help one little eskimo pulling this through? I have not yet bought the items since I don´t want to do it until I see through the dismantle and shipping issue, but the parts are available. Like I said to my wife - Just got to have it !!!!!!!!
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If the RSV mounting rack fits on the TD without any mods (something you'd have to do yourself anyway), swaping out trunk parts isn't that big of a deal. I'm sure someone on the east coast of the US or Canada could help you out, but why not do it yourself???

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Thanks for all your replys. The question "why not do it yourself" puzzles me a little. I have two bottom parts - one damaged that is attached to the lid of complete unit and one that is undamaged. I don´t need the damaged one so I need the bottom parts swapped. I can of cause do it myself IF I WAS IN THE USA. I am in Iceland! The shipping cost and the custom fees are very high so this would save me around 200 US$ at least. So, I need someone to help me out on this one. There is no reason and a complete waist of money shipping the damaged part to Iceland of cause.

The trunk "assemebled" is very large and most likely exceeds the maximum size for postage. By taking off the armrests and speaker units and stored inside the trunk it should pass. The mounting bracket would most likely be shipped by the seller straight to me but the other parts should fit into the trunk. There I save around 200 US$ in shipping and custom fees. You see the custom wants 30% on top of the purchase price and shipping and when you have added all that together they want another 24.5% on top of the total.

I hope this clears the issue and explains why I need help.

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Thanks for all your replys. The question "why not do it yourself" puzzles me a little. I have two bottom parts - one damaged that is attached to the lid of complete unit and one that is undamaged. There is no reason and a complete waist of money shipping the damaged part to Iceland of cause. I hope this clears the issue and explains why I need help.


Sorry I didn't understand the logistics of your problem. Since you already own the parts located here in the US, my question then would be why not have the bottom sent to the person holding your complete trunk and offer to pay them a few extra bucks to swap the bottoms out, toss the bad one in the dumpster, and pack it for shipping? You could arrange the shipping, and pickup from your end..... That would probably be your best option. If the seller doesn't want to get involved, the extra shipping charges getting the parts to someone, who will, isn't going to be cheap. You have my sympathies, but you should have looked into any shipping problems prior to buying the parts.

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I would say I am the closest to you. So if there is anything I can do to help let me know. There use to be flights from Iceland into St Johns Newfoundland but I'm not sure how regular that is. I'm 500km's from St Johns but would be able to get it to the airport if that was an option you could use.







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You have my sympathies, but you should have looked into any shipping problems prior to buying the parts.


Hi Condor.

In my first post I wrote:

I have not yet bought the items since I don´t want to do it until I see through the dismantle and shipping issue, but the parts are available.


So I am actually trying to play it safe here. Kind of a stranded though. But mr. Keith R. has genorously offered his help and I will see how things work out.

Thank you all for your input.

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Hi Condor.

In my first post I wrote:

I have not yet bought the items since I don´t want to do it until I see through the dismantle and shipping issue, but the parts are available.


So I am actually trying to play it safe here. Kind of a stranded though. But mr. Keith R. has genorously offered his help and I will see how things work out.

Thank you all for your input.


Good luck...... Hope you're successful..

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Thanks Forrest for your kind offer. I will make one more try with my seller and see if there is no way he wants to help me on this. Has already refused once but a second try is worth the chance. I will contact you (PM) after the weekend when I see how he reacts. Also will have to do some serious calculations to figure the whole thing out.

Many thanks again for your kindness and understanding.

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