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True Story

Sleeperhawks Mechanic

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Our friend in Madison, Alabama sent me this email relating which I wanted to share with you:



"I have a true story to share with you. Last Saturday, a couple friends of mine and I went to a Patriot Guard mission in TN. There was about 30+ bikers coming to show respect to this fallen hero and his family. We were staging at a local Walmart, when this lady and her very young daughter came up to us. The lady asked if it would be ok for her daughter to sing us a song. Several folks spoke up and said sure. The little girl looking at all of us bad looking bikers began to sing "God Bless America"! I can not tell you how that little girl touched our lives knowing she had her values right where her parents wanted them. It made me feel proud knowing someone that young cared."


What a wonderful experience that was! :bighug:


Ride safe!


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It wouldn't surprise me that when she was done, one of the riders would have bent down, picked her up and gave her a big biker hug and then passed her on to the next one, and when all was said and done, she'd a had 30 BIG BIKER HUGS. 'Course that might have been seen as child abuse or some fool thing, but who would have cared, I know I cared when I read the story.

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