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Idle is hi when warm

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Hi, Got the bike out a couple of weeks ago and noticed after about a 10 mile trip the idle seems to go up to 2000 then after a few more miles goes to 3000 and i can't get it to go down at all, any ideas ? if it matters it's a 1985 and it ran fine when I put it away in the winter . Thanks

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You can easily adjust idle rpm with your fingers.


On right side of gas tank, near aft end , on the underneath side of the gas tank, there is a black plastic round knob...when bike is warmed up, slowly turn this knob to the right or left to adjust the idle RPM to where you want it. I have done this at a red light. Very simple and easy to do.


Make sure your choke is pushed in all the way first...

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Eck's suggestion will work on a 2ndGen, but it's an '85. The idle adjustment knob is on the left side behind the carb brace. If it doesn't bring the idle down when the engine warms up then one of the other carbs is controlling the idle, and as Squid suggested you need to sync the carbs.

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You might need do open the throttle grip and greese the twist grip, and also let some

oil run down into the cables.


Carefully check the " Pull" cable at the carbs, for any sign of the cable " fraying "

just above the linkage assembly, ( put some greese on the exposed section of cable )


Also, lubricate all of the cross linkage assembly, between all the carbs.


Be sure to lubricate, the " throttle plate" rods, at two points on each carb.


Inspect the " pull cable" at the left fwd carb, make sure there is about 1/16th to 1/8 th inch of play, in the cable, as you start to actuate the throttle. ie: make sure all 4 of

the throttle plates are going to the " full closed " position, at idle.



Then--- do the carb sync proceedure. Pull up the Service Manuel section on doing the carb Sync procedure. ( its on this site if you do not have a service manual )

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(qoute - Condor) Eck's suggestion will work on a 2ndGen, but it's an '85. The idle adjustment knob is on the left side behind the carb brace.



DUH... I didnt even look to see what bike he had. I automatically thought if you own a Yamaha, it is a 2nd gen..

Thanks to Squidley too.... You are correct again sir. I just assumed he already had sync'd them.


Whoda thought..........:cool10:

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