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Rode a Can-Am Spyder

The Marshal

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Was up in Racine WS for a family reunion over the 4th. My Cousin works for Bombardier and brought home a Spyder for us to ride.


It was Billiard Red, with black accents. Ok, so the color alone makes me stand out.

I was a little thrown off by the lack of a clutch and front brake levers. The shifting was done by a lever on your left thumb, forward for Up, backward for Down. Also, the creature would downshift automatically as you slowed down to a stoplight.


It started easily enough, although there were some extra things to do, like set the brake, touch a button on the dash, reset the kill switch, and then turn the key.


Riding it was easy. I don't like the position where you put your weight on your wrists, ala sport bikes. Wifey rode with me, and was unhappy with the forward sliding of the seat, causing her to lean on me a lot. Ha! I was not used to the passenger crashing into me, either.


So here we are in Racine, Wisconsin, and where do my relatives, all riding ElectraGlides or RoadGlides, want to go? Why the Harley Dealership Gathering, of course!

Now there were a lot of people there. I estimated we saw over 300+ Harleys outside and around the dealership. And I am on a Red Spyder. Oh boy.

Needless to say, as I was being directed where to park, a LOT of people were watching us inch through the parkinglot.

You know how you swing the bike into line with others when you park? Not quite as easy with two tires out in front of you. I had to use the Reverse to make it happen. Which was quite convenient. Had an issue getting off the Spyder. Apparently you have to set the emergency brake before you can pull the key out. Otherwise it beeps incessently. Would have been nice had my cousin told me about this "feature", heheh. But after several minutes of fumbling, we figured it out.


Later after the Relatives bought their Genuine Harley Replacement Parts for the ride home, (Kidding!) I was left behind trying to back out of the parking lineup. My Wifey even took off on one of the ElectraGlides ("I am not riding that thing back" she said)

As I puttered it through the mass of people, someone called out "Yeah, a Spyder! We make the Fuel Injectors for those things."

Aha! That is why they are not dragging me off this strange 3-wheeler... they have family that actually works for the Can-Am plant! I was not in mortal danger!

(Things would have been a LOT different at say, Strokers, in Dallas....just saying)


Back to the ride. Don't throw rocks, but I was riding without a helmet. The tranny noise sounded like it was red-lining, but the tach said different. I didn't like the way you went into corners. Not leaning is just...wrong. It was very stable, and shifting was really effortless. The auto downshifting...well it was a little hard to get used to.

I did find one thing that I absolutely did not like. I hit some gravel on the highway, and the front wheel slung it up around and it hit me on the arm/chest. Only happened once, but that was more than enough.


THoughts: I would pass on getting a chance to ride them again. Its too easy. There is no effort, and its not a motorcycle. But if you are not comfortable riding on 2-wheels, then it would be a great way to go. I found it way more stable than the Harley Trike my MIL owned. If YOU get a chance to ride one, do so. My expressions are not doing it justice.

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Thanks, I often wondered about them. I know that the European style legs down would not be of comfort to me. I need forward controls or my knees lock up. All that said I do see many of them around and I hope those who own them enjoy them as much as I enjoy my Venture.



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