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Wind in your face

Gary N.

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Looks like that would be a blast...


I have flown all over the USA when I traveled for Gulfstream Aerospace.

As many here know on the site who have met me, I'm not a real religious man, even though I do strongly believe in the man upstairs, but I do remember on one of my flying excursions I was reading the good book, and I came upon a verse that I have never ever forgotten..


I remember reading where Jesus said: Lo, I am with thee always..


I tend not to take to many chances with flying anymore..... :thumbsup2:

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Hey Gary,

Awsome ride. I always wanted to fly in an open cock pit plane. When I was a boy I there was a crop duster that flew an open cock pit stearman. I use to dream of being a crop duster. I took flying lessions years ago. A few years ago I went to a festival and two guys had restored an old stearman and were giving rides. That was one of the most awsome experiences I have had. The pilot let me take the stick. I was in heaven. He even went around an extra time and we did a low pass over the landing strip. In aviation that is called "scraping the deck." It was so fun.

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This plane is a 1929 Standard Biplane.

I always loved flying in small planes where you can actually see whats going on down on the ground. Got my first ride when I was about 12 years old. A local fellow landed in a field across the street from my house and offered to take all the local kids up. I remember that like it was yesterday. I have a good friend and riding buddy who has his own plane and I've been up with him a few times.

Here are a few more pics. The 2nd one shows downtown Fredericksburg Tx.

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In aviation that is called "scraping the deck."


After dark, It's called "clearing a path" , "deer Run" or self preservation around here in WV.


If you don't key the mic. until the lights are at max and buzz the runway after darkness falls, you will more than likely meet up with some of these four footed creatures...


Those deer just love the grass along the runways.:confused24: and they seem to congreate on the runway itself ???


Luckily they don't like to get buzzed...


And... It's kinda fun, makes you wonder what it would be like with 50 cals. on wing mounts...

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