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The "Highpoint" Of Thanksgiving at Skydoc's House!


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First off, let me say, "Happy Thanksgiving" to all the VR.ORG members from Jean and I.

Now, on with the story.

Jean and I had the pleasure to go to my brother's house for Thanksgiving Dinner this year. We live in the "Valley" (400 ft. above sea level) and my brother, even though he lives only 20 minutes away, lives at 2800 feet. As we started up the mountain, the entire landscape turned into a winter wonder land, with Ice covering EVERYTHING as if this part of the world had been dipped in glass. Tree branches hung close to the ground loaded with ice and the scene was akin to "Venturing" to another planet. I have seen this "Ice Effect" many times over the years, but it never sises to amaze me. With the snow tires crunching away, and the wipers going full blast, we made it to my brother's house safe, and sound. We ate more food than I care to think about, and a good time was had by all.

Now, the time came where my brother's wife had cut the ham bone from the remainder of the ham that was left and stepped to the back door, to throw it out side for my brother's dog, COOPER. Well, as that ham bone flew through the air, my brother, and myself, and Cooper shot towards the back door like we were shot from a cannon! I remember being mear inches from that tasty morsel before it had bounced off the ground, I looked back, and to my surprise, my brother had me by the belt, and Cooper, his trusty dog had my brother by the pant leg! Needless to say, the house erupted into a roar of laughter, and I stood there as the ham bone fell to earth, bounced off the icy landscape, and skidded to a stop a few feet from Cooper's dog house. I lost all interest in the ham bone once it had slid into the icy mess of the back yard, at which time, good old Cooper, trotted past my brother and myself, picked up the ham bone, and proceeded into his dog house, Proud that he had foiled this "snack" from two old men that had already eaten, "Way too much".

After the laughter had died down back in the house, my brother and I "slunk" back into the house, with our heads hangin' low, mumbling something about, "That darn dog would have never beat US to that bone when we were in our prime, ea brother"! Well the loss was soon forgotten, with more helpings of pie and cake and coffee and laughter. So I share this story with you today my friends, to remind you that the love of friends and family is a blessing, you can NEVER have too much Pie, and lastly, "Every dog has his day", but as Arnie used to say, "I'll Be Back!" and that pesky dog will be tied up the next time that ham bone goes a flying! I hope you had as much fun as we did on this Day of Thanks!

Happy Thanksgiving from Earl and Jean, and "The Little Shop By The Creek"!

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