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Anyone have diabetes?


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I have been type II diabetic for the last 20+ years and have been on insulin for the last 3 years. Three months ago I was taking 46 units of Lantis a night and my hemoglobin A1C reading was between 9 and 11 for an average of between 250 and 300. I am now down to 15 units of Lantis a night and the A1C test I got Wednesday was 6.6. That is averaging just a tad over 100, which is real good.

As I have noted in another post, I have made a lifestyle change as part of going through a divorce from a long term marriage. The Thursday before Thanksgiving, I was 242 pounds and yesterday I weighed 209 pounds and still dropping. I know as I continue to drop weight, I will be able to get off insulin all together. One of the problems with insulin is it tends to cause weight gain.

There is no doubt that long term diabeties has many effects, and none of them are good. I am fortunate I still have good blood flow in my feet and my vision is still good after I had recent cataract surgery. If you really care about yourself, there are a lot of things that can be done to deal with diabeties and if you are going down the road I went down for many years, it is not going to be a good thing. It is simply a matter of priorties in your life.


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I have type II as well. I take my needles twice a day mix 25-75 humalog by Lilli. I moved here to Calgary last year from Ontario, and I Left my doctor there.

I recently obtained a new Doctor here and he checked my AC1 and I surprised myself, 8.1 not that bad I just sighed up to a local specialist hoping to drop my weight from to by diet and exercise. I find my hands react to a long drive.

Edited by mrich12000
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Yah! Type II with periferal neuropathy in all 4 extremities. Lost a toe to the disease a couple of years ago. I have to wear gloves or the vibration drives me crazy. Still can keep my balance usually even 2 up but have dropped it a couple of times, so that's why I'm going to trike...

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Type II also. Now off the meds. Biggest thing as previously stated is a life-style change. Exercise, drop weight, eat right (and often but smaller). Follow the diet learn how to substitute (fruit for candy) watch the starches (potatoes, breads, rice etc). It's very workable and easy once it becomes habit. At first it's ruff and you'll think you can never get it right, but you will. Study foods and read labels. I always carry Kellogg's Nutri-Grain bars to carry me over between meals so I don't eat large meals and to keep my readings level. I now only stick twice a day (morning fasting, evening 2hr after dinner). Mornings I'm 125 (down from 250) evenings 150. This gets harder to control the older you get.


Eating out is hard. At first I thought restaurants were all out to "kill me" because you could not know what/how they cooked. But you learn the food and how it's prepared. You learn what to watch out for. Veggies are your friends in all cases. Only difference in my riding is I'm more cautious in what I eat and drink while I ride (no longer in my own kitchen). This is more difficult in the hot summer.


I don't know what your numbers are nor how far along your diabetes has progressed. I wish you the best, good luck.

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Both of my daughters are type 1. They have been since very small (4 and 6) The oldest one is now on a pump. She does everything. Scuba diving, Rock climbing, Swing dancing. Hiking, Kayaking and Canoeing. She travels whenever she can. Australia for 10 months and just recently Greece for 4 months. It for sure does not slow her down but she does have to be prepaired.


I'm now type 2 and trying to get a handle on it. I need to stop cheating. So far I'm getting by with pills but have been told that insulin is in my future.



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